Linux - Screen Share Sound Support
1886 488 댓글
Cant look at my own "video"
0 150 댓글
Stage Channels Video Chat and Screen Sharing
534 146 댓글
Discord gives me 5000ms ping
76 135 댓글
Hide self view in video call
316 86 댓글
Flip or rotate video
92 61 댓글
Option to stop Krisp Noise suppression turning off automatically
47 59 댓글
Option to hide your own stream window 완료
131 55 댓글
Don't default the custom status to "Chilling tbh" when joining a voice channel
111 54 댓글
I keep Disconnecting from calls and reconnect
25 48 댓글
Crashing upon joining voice channels
41 47 댓글
KRISP For Linux
96 44 댓글
Voice Message
2 42 댓글
Stream not loading
9 36 댓글
Video capture broken with latest Discord update and Canon Webcam software
3 35 댓글
Discord mic doesn't work after whatsapp
-5 34 댓글
Controller specific Keybinds
140 33 댓글
Hardware Mute Switch notification
33 33 댓글
Allow Discord volume to be increased beyond what's currently possible.
265 33 댓글
Discord on macOS stuck on RTC Connecting and crashing
17 32 댓글
Hide Screen Sharing and Voice Chat Activity when Invisible
87 31 댓글
Screen sharing issues on wayland
132 31 댓글
Enable a keybind for turning Camera on/ off in discord
179 31 댓글
Focusrite mics buzz/crackle
27 30 댓글
discord in uae
6 29 댓글
communication mode
51 27 댓글
Pop out/view multiple video streams at once
147 27 댓글
Create a group conference
71 25 댓글