Private criminal institutions are selling and leaking unreleased songs using Discord. Piracy needs to end!
We are facing a critical issue where discord servers (dedicated to music piracy and doxing) are leaking unreleased songs while illegally making profit out of our favorite artists and producers via groupbuy or other similar transactions. There are many criminal servers out there that are promoting/encouraging piracy which is detrimentally affecting the income of most artists and the people who worked for them and we need to rise up to fight music piracy as much as we can to protect labels/artists from bankruptcy. If you really wanna support your favorite artists, do your job to help fight against piracy on Discord as there are many out there.
KDOT Server ID: 1045148857618665512
kamden's hangout Server ID: 1046971484767272972
doxx info Server ID: 1047944957979271248
the kanye comm sucks Server ID: 1016467117572362321
Ye Tracker Server ID: 831958527517392906
Joe Hub Server ID: 1023677691083374765
TylerHub Server ID: 1005942334975922307
Some discord links may not work since criminals wanna make sure no law enforcements or Discord Staff would review any of these servers that are stealing songs from artists/producers who worked hard to make good music for the world. I wanna spread awareness about this because I am extremely against their illegal activities using our platform as a tool to cash in on unreleased songs the sellers stole from Las Vegas or any other studios. I don't know why the music industry are infested with hackers and thieves, but we gotta do our job to report these servers for malicious/illegal marketing.
Authors reserve the right to DMCA
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Those who are protected under DMCA can contact discord regarding issues with their work being shared illegally, this goes for other laws such as the Copyright act in the united kingdom. Personally I would be reporting this to either your local authorities and/or discord.
PLUS, public shaming isn't great and the fact you posted it here for everyone - including the server IDs is a bit, well… harsh. Just report it to discord if you don't like it. We dont really want to know.
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