An option for the old design


10 opmerkingen

  • basil

    The color scheme is the most annoying ! it is too bright  and contrasty compared to the old one. 

  • Szaqi

    i like to jebac disa

  • Rawrlex

    I also would love to have the old one back somehow, I would be very happy. The new one is definitely way too bright and uncool

  • gavtyler

    Please oh please let this become a thing

  • Pumpkin_pie

    Please, we need this.

  • Mariot

    I 100% agree. Please Discord, pleeeeeeaaaaase

  • Leertaste

    I dont think the new design is bad, but i also love the old design, so it would be nice to be able to change the design.

  • _absolute_zero._

    I’d love an option for that. The new design is a little harsh on my eyes.

  • andrystein03

    When I saw the new design for the first time, I wanted to burn my eyes, it's too bright and I hate the new logo, I miss the old one so much so please, bring back the old design

    PS. the new slogan is dumb, the old one was better, everything the rebranding brought is ugly

  • Lost3DBlastFan

    I wouldn't mind this idea, instead of changing back, we could just make an theme section with "New Blurple" and "Old Blurple"


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