Despite Discord ignoring the problem, accessibility issues ARE still issues
The new colour is so oversaturated that many people who suffer migraines have them triggered by the new logo and accents in the app.
Even here I’m half holding my hand over the submit button so I don’t get a headache.
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I don’t know, your app and platform causing disabled users excruciating pain for hours on end doesn’t seem like it should go below “more important ‘bugs’ to fix.” They should just say they don’t care about us with attitudes like that.
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first off dark theme is the default theme so i dont see why anyone wouldnt be using it unless they manually changed it to light
second off dark theme isnt gonna un-frick up the new color palette for anyone unlucky enough to have accidentally updated their app
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LoxxoHD You sure seem to be defending Disco a lot here, considering that this has been an issue for a month now. People have been complaining about the inaccessibility of the colors for a week before the 5/13 reveal, which forced it out. I won't even go into how bad the rollout has been on a technical level, but most of those bugs you're saying they're focusing on and are important? Nothing is more important to an app like Discord than usability, and having 25% or more of your userbase driven off your platform because it causes them literal pain? Yeah, that's a bigger issue than the bugs they introduced after this horrible rollout.
So unless you work for Disco? It might be best for you to listen: the people who are actually concerned and have stake in the matter are talking.
If you work for Disco? REALLY listen, because we're in pain.
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Discord wont do nothing about it because they don't care about disabled people. Just look at all the most voted suggestions and almost NONE of them are taken into consideration plus they are multiple years old. Discord is an awful company that actively hurts their users. Just switch to another platform or use another discord client (warning: its against TOS).
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It appears they did respond on Reddit 6 days ago. It’d have been nice to have a public statement, not a Reddit comment on an ancient post…
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Hey Kazo,
First of, I agree. Accessibility issues are still issues. But Discord currently has more important bugs to fix and I don't think they would remove the new color palette. But it would be a possibility to switch between the old and the new color palette.
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an overview of all current bugs can be found here:
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Could you please explain what should fixed?
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Please try using the dark theme of the app. Thanks!
Best wishes,
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