Discord doesnt respond to my appeal


7 opmerkingen

  • Maurog

    Same here, over 10 days now. No response and no answers. Still don't know why they locked it in the first place.

  • Reese

    Therefore, it is better to move to another platform. I got from friends one recommended, which looks 1:1 like discord. And there you get a response in less than 24 hours, not there as in the case of discord.

  • Tinmirdinam

    Yep, it's time to switch this platform

  • Freewings21

    32 days for me

  • Kembich

    Reese, what is the platform that you are talking about


  • Reese

    Kembich Revot. 
    I don't know by chance if this platform is not competing with discord.

  • AShinyKupo

    Honestly homie im just gonna be moving to guilded they only have bots for support here. they havent gotten back to me about my account being disabled and after a few weeks or w.e your account just gets deleted… if you want to add me there i could use some friends as well https://www.guilded.gg/u/DolinGaming

    Guilded is also another good one



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