New mobile update
I was told by support that i need to give feedback for any hopes of reverting this so. here i am.
please put mobile back to how it used to me.i could deal with the annoyance of not being able to swipe right to access the server info anymore, as unintuitive as it is. but not being able to see the images in pins is just. stupid. i am in many servers where we post and pin art that we draw. when your entire pin list for a channel is art, suddenly having all that turn to just “image” for each post makes it impossible tto find what your looking for
What sucks is only people they tested the new layout on have the option to turn it off. They already have a slider for me since they tested it on me and I opted out. Gave a SCATHING review too. Didn't force me over with everybody else either. So unfortunately I'm free but my heart goes out to you. I doubt they'll change it at this point. All we want is an option for the old layout.
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Anddd now it's forced on us, chat
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