Discord Support Just Causes More Discord
Really feels like Discord Trust and Safety took a page out of a corrupt politician’s guide to making themselves sound like they care about their demographic.
I fell for a scam a few months back and was given a bot response saying nothing else could be done to recover my acc. Yet, recently I heard from a friend who fell for the scammer using my old account— they got their account back within the week. Meanwhile I submit another ticket three days ago, and it get marked solved without any reply back besides an infuriating bot message of “we’re sorry you’re having trouble logging into your account!”
Everything I’ve heard so far about how to deal with Discord Support has been from community advice— not even Discord itself. I feel like that says wonders about their lack of consistency in communication. I’ve often been advised to be persistent and patient, but it’s really like talking at a brick wall. It just sucks that my hands are pretty much tied since all communications with my friends and even school clubs use Discord.
I've been assigned to the same person 4 seperate times, they hit solved, but my account has still been suspended, I'm worried because I got false reported for being underage, despite showing my ID and everything to them
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Update, I got a response saying there’s nothing they can do, again. Still, it would at least have been nice to know why. If anyone sees this, is it worth making another ticket or if the matter just dead now?
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So far my 9th ticket is still open regarding being hacked/scammed. Mine was 3 weeks ago and on day 8 of waiting I had the same message that I "cant " be helped any further though my friend in the same boat has had his back within a week or so. Had the screenshots and email of this hacker submitted in my ticket…, i really hope you've not given up yet like i did.
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