It's nigh unusable like this
I don't use my iPad all that often, so I have no idea when this happened, but I opened it today and found it looking like desktop. Why are my channels always open, thereby crushing my text box into the corner? This is horrible.
If that is what mobile discord is going to look like now, it's going to be utterly unusable on my phone when it updates. Put. It. Back. (Below is a preview of what I'm talking about since I can't upload the image for some reason)
Ugh yes this is horrible. I've encountered some bugginess (exit buttons missing sometimes when viewing photos, entering search, etc) but I mostly just want them to bring back the collapse button so I don't have to read and write my messages on such a small portion of the screen.
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Yeah it feels really awkward and cramped to only have maybe half of your screen for the actual chats and messages. Plus the channel lists and icons are a very distracting screen clutter.
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