I got hacked
(25/05/67) My discord account got hacked I never click any link or scammer website they bypass my Outlook and Login my Discord account (haven't noticed that) then they change my Discord Email, Password but my Phone number still binding in my Discord account (they couldn't change or remove)
They change Email and Password when I'm still online(25/05/67 10:52PM) but I haven't notice about that.
Today (26/05/67) I just notice that my Discord Email, Password was changed.
So I already ticket to support but one thing that is Nitro boost is automatic renewal. How do I remove my payment method without login my Discord that because it's was hacked. Please help
You can't You can charge back any payments made while hacked but discord will deactivate your account. Depends on what you wanna do. Wait and hope you get your account back or charge back and just ban it outright.
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