I see a lot of accounts being disabled recently!!
username: vainfriggus / Vain#7088
I have seen several people in the past few days, including on this feedback forum, whose accounts (including my own) have been disabled for unknown reasons, with no explanation other than the standard “spam/fraudulent” account termination email, with no warnings. If you're like me, you have had your account for many years, and have many memories, friends, files, photos, etc that you have now lost forever. I lost my 2016 server, I had profile effects and nitro, and it all has been taken seemingly by mistake.
here's the email I woke up to today:
Discord is focused on maintaining a safe and secure environment for our community. We've found your account to be in violation of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. As a result, we've disabled your account for the following reason:
Discord has disabled your account for spam and/or platform abuse. Our anti-abuse measures may have flagged your account for any of the following behaviors:
- Sending a large number of direct messages in a short span of time
- Participating in a server dedicated to spamming Discord
- Automating your user account or self-botting
- Taking other actions on Discord — for example, joining a ton of servers — faster than humanly possible
- Attempting potentially fraudulent activity
Discord Trust & Safety"
No explanation, no specific rule stated, this is simply an automated email that the spam bot flagged my account for some reason while I was sleeping.
If anyone else is having a similar issue, please comment.
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