Expand the number of available formats for time and date
Discord has this great feature where you can use the formatter <t:1719000000>
to provide a date and time that will automatically change based on each user's locale and timezone. So that someone in New York will see “June 21, 2024 4:00 PM”, someone in London will see “21 June 2024 21:00” and someone in Tokyo will see “2024年6月22日 05:00”.
Currently Discord offers 7 formats: (US English // UK English)
d: numerical: 06/21/2024 // 21/06/2024
D: written out: June 21, 2024 // 21 June 2024
t: short time: 8:00 PM // 20:00
T: full time: 8:00:00 PM // 20:00:00
f: full format: June 21, 2024 8:00 PM // 21 June 2024 20:00
F: extended format: Friday, June 21, 2024 8:00 PM // Friday, 21 June 2024 20:00
R: relative format: in 9 hours // in 9 hours
Some additional formats that would be very useful to have would be: (US English // UK English)
m: short numerical: 06/21 // 21/06
M: written out month-day: June 21 // 21 June
w: weekday and time: Friday, 8:00 PM // Friday, 20:00
W: weekday and date: Friday, June 21, 2024 // Friday, 21 June 2024
e: weekday and short numerical: Friday, 06/21 // Friday, 21/06
E: weekday and numerical: Friday, 06/21/2024 // Friday, 21/06/2024
z: time with timezone: 8:00 PM UTC // 20:00 UTC
Z: full format with timezone: June 21, 2024 8:00 PM UTC // 21 June 2024 20:00 UTC
Most of the time dates are used, the year is superfluous and could be left out, making the message flow better and take less space. Furthermore if you want to include the weekday, the only option currently is to use the full format. But if an event is within the upcoming 7 days, it wouldn't be neccessary to specify the date, and if it's within the same year, it can be nice to specify weekday and date without the year. Alternatively if you want to write the weekday and time for a week's schedule, skipping the date saves plenty of space. Finally, sometimes it's just convenient to specify the timezone so it is more clear for the user that it is their own timezone. This one would however require Discord to let users pick any region when choosing English, such as Australia, South Africa and more, like how it works on Android, otherwise it will just show “GMT+X” for a lot of users.
I would also like to ask for a special format that would require some context:
h: hour only: 8 PM // 20:00
H: weekday and hour: Friday, 8 PM // Friday, 20:00
If the locale is using 12 hours, the am/pm-marker will signify that this is an hour. But if the locale is using 24 hours, and the formatter is just ‘H’ or ‘HH’, then there's nothing signifying it being an hour, and it should instead use the flexible format Hm instead, hence why the example above is “20:00” instead of just “20”. However, in some locales using 24 hours has some marker signifying it is the hour, and can rely on flexible format H. These locales available in Discord are: French “20 h”, German “20 Uhr”, Bulgarian “20 ч.”, Vietnamese: “20 giờ”, Japanese: “20時”, Chinese, Taiwan: “20時”.
The total number of formatters are with this: d, D, t, T, f, F, R, m, M, w, W, e, E, z, Z, h, H
Here are examples of what it would format it like in some languages with different timezones:
Also demonstrating how the h/H marker would work as well.
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