Revert or make optional the new profile cards
Please either revert the upcoming changes to profile cards, or make it optional to view the new version.
The new version is aiming to “declutter” profiles and only have the “most important” things visible up front. And to that I say that it accomplishes the opposite. Instead of being able to see a user's account creation and server join date, it takes more clicks. Being unable to see their roles at first glance or their user note is also more inconvenient than it is helpful.


Not only would this change be inconvenient for most users, it is also detrimental for moderation of servers. In order to better catch or prevent bad actors, “trolls," or genuinely malicious users, it is imperative to be able to get as much of the user information as possible from the first click on the profile. The previous iteration of profile cards helps both casual users and moderation teams keep better tabs on other users, either to keep track of people they are fond of, or to know who to avoid in public voice channels.
If the reason to consolidate profiles like this is to avoid an instance where the bottom half of the discord client just expands into emptiness, then there are a few reasons why this shouldn't warrant the change:
First, it seems that this bug has either already been fixed, or is now more rare.
Second, if this was caused by users having long bios or multiple roles, there is a scroll bar for a reason which has functioned before all these changes, and continues to function now.
Third, changing something as fundamental as user profile cards should not be a solution to a problem such as that, rather than figuring out the cause of the issue since it was not present previously.
Tldr: Make the “smaller” profile cards optional in appearance settings, or do not go through with the change at all.
I heavily agree, besides all the good reasons you've said it just simply doesn't look good. I think that if they want to change something about discords appearance it should be an option at least - most people like the “casual” look of discord.
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I also heavily agree. I run one big server on discord and it totally broke system I set there. And I cant find now no other option as repair it. This is most useless Discord update ever.
4 -
Absolutely agree 100%
Glad I found this post before making my own
Please keep the new positioning of mod view
That is gold2 -
Posted about this a month ago as well. Its really making our job incredibly difficult as moderators and admins.
We're running 7 fairly large servers and its quadrupled the amount of work required now to vet users manually.3 -
100% agree with the above. I run multiple servers and having this change has added a considerable amount of time to my work flow. Having a toggle option would be ideal. The new UI would serve the more casual user and having the option to revert to the previous UI would help Mods/Admins immensely. Especially when your running multiple servers every second counts.
3 -
I also absolutely agree. I don't run a big server, but being unable to look at the roles and especially the notes of people first glance, makes it really really hard to identify them.
As an example: I love music and I like listening to musicians on various discord servers. To remember them, I always added notes saying smth like “calming guitar” or “piano music, must listen!!” to their profiles. With that I was able to quickly go through the 20-30 people in one vc and decide whether I want to join them or wait until one of the people I often listen to joins.
With the new update I need to click on their profile, then on “More”, then on “View Full Profile” and then I need to scroll down to even read the note….
3 clicks and 1 scrolling instead of 1 click
Another concern of mine is, that with the new profile card one can't see the creation date of the account without fully viewing the profile. This means, that one can't identify if users are most likely real people or botted accounts at first glance. Means, if you join a scam server by mistake, you won't even notice that the 300+ accounts in the whole server were all created on the exact same date.
An option to turn the simplified profile cards off and use the long but functional (and in my opinion also prettier) cards would be ideal.2
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