Implement the ability to verify two Discord accounts with one mobile number
The account switcher is a great feature, in theory, bar the fact that an individual mobile number is needed for each Discord account.
Post-pandemic, it is common for people to use Discord for personal use, work, and school. No other social media requires one mobile number per account, and doing so completely negates any use the account switcher might have.
It is understandable that Discord has security concerns and has constructed the feature this way to prevent botting and spamming; however, there certainly should be clear indicators between ‘someone creating two accounts for work and personal use’ and ‘a server farm creating hundreds of accounts in sixty seconds’.
I would love to be able to utilise the account switcher feature but I'm not willing to go through the rigamarole of obtaining a second mobile number for a Discord account.
This would be so helpful with my current problem where one account (an account I have lost the email for) is holding my phone number hostage and support just says “yeah sorry, nothing to be done about that” even though I OWN the number and can answer code requests from it
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I think i have only one account but discord says I'm using it for 2. It wont let me login
So I have a similar problem.
U moet u aanmelden om een opmerking te plaatsen.
2 opmerkingen