Finally got my hacked account back about time
After a 5-6 month nightmare of my account being hacked.

I finally got it back about time, no more complaining anymore. I can now rest and catch up to everything.
Congrats Mate!
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I been disbaled since November did you get yours back?
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Theultimatetd222 What did you do to get yours back? Tomorrow ill be on month three of this crazy trip and i dont know what more to do i feel like ive tried everything i can do. If you can give me some advice it would be very helpful
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I don't know about you but I'm super frustrated and pissed our accounts still ignored after mouths of waiting for help meanwhile we see poeple get there's back few days later
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Yeah ive been going through the forums and its just mixed answers and i feel happy for people but also horrible for myself ive been waiting so long with no answer, already 3 months how much longer will i have to wait until i get that magical email myself.
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I'm still waiting for my main one under the handle "makarafurusawa" to be brought back to me after falling for a fake Discord Support scam by a random hacker who took over my account, changed my email, and spread the scam to other people who I friended back then. I told one of the admins of Discord servers that my main account was in to kick it out due to the fake scam going on and on. If my main account is returned to me, hope I wasn't responsible for the transactions the hacker made for me.
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