My main account has been hacked due to the "i accidentally reported you" scam, and I'm still struggling to get it back


19 opmerkingen

  • asterisk

    sorry dude discord support just gonna ghost you and if you do finally get a human response youll just basically get the finger. start a new account while youre ahead

  • Makara Furusawa

    Well, I already did.

  • Suicide For Discord

    I spent $500 on my main account so I'm not getting a new account. My life is over as far as I'm concerned. I can't remember my friends on Discord. I don't remember names.

  • Octolingchick

    I got hit by that scam too. I even sent screenshots of the convo between me and the hacker, yet nothing has happened yet. I’m so sad :(

    I hope we can get our accounts back

  • Makara Furusawa


  • Rodrigo3400

    I fell for that over a month ago, I felt like an idiot when a friend I managed to recontact told me it was a scam

  • Makara Furusawa

    Me too.

  • Socks

    I'm in the same boat as well. I have so much proof to prove it was my account but they only respond as bots and won't give me a human to talk with. It's so frustrating :( 

  • Giangood17

    Still couldn't get it back. I think it's time to make a ticket or hold still

    We know that discord probably do anything else instead of support, I got asked that should i even let them do anything confined in a single moment but no. Yeah for those who got compromised, welcome to the waiting club.

  • Makara Furusawa

    Fellas, I got my account back! Also, here's how I did it. (oops, forgot to censor my email, sorry)

  • Octolingchick

    luckyyyy. congrats on getting it back. How did you initiate it exactly? did you make a new ticket or a follow-up ticket to your original one?

  • Giangood17

    I'm gonna cry

  • Giangood17

    I already fear that my account was disabled and also the email (Account disabled for suspicious activity) was in the scammer's email. Did they picked the scammer's side? I'm not too sure, but I am still panicking but less than I got hacked.

  • Makara Furusawa

    Octolingchick I found this post here, and I did exactly what this user did. Here's the link to it:

    I put "I want to speak to a person" as the title and put "I don't know/I'm not sure" as the suspicion, and I also typed "My Discord account's email was changed. The login page says that my email does not exist. I cannot login. Is there any way I could talk to a human?" as the description. Maybe you could try it and see if that helps.

  • Yahya

    omg congrats you got it back!!!, i have a ticket open for 24+hrs what should i do? and can i contact ur account on discord?

  • Yahya

    ive sent a friend request my alt account is ._yxhya_.

  • Giangood17

    I wanna cry. I did it, but Discord did nothing. I hate to give up 

  • Giangood17

    Another ticket doing what I got from the person (that does a tutorial) then marked as solved. Discord is useless.

  • Giangood17

    god damnit how the hell did you get it back? Please answer


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