Ability to turn off avatar decorations and profile effects on server profiles
Hello! I really like that I am able to have the profile effects and avatar decorations on my main profile, but I would like to be able to turn it off for certain server profiles as it can be distracting or not fit the server vibe at the moments. The only way I am able to turn off these features is to remove them from my main profile, and I would like to be able to turn it off for just a server profile. I can change it from use default to another decoration I have, but not remove it. thanks!!
Logged on to make the same suggestion. Seems one can only switch to a different avatar decoration, would be much better to be able to turn them off at the server level.
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This. It's surely a simple change that a backend programmer could make in a day. Hopefully discord sees this one.
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I'd really like this. I enjoy the feature, but I have some server-specific avatars that don't match any available decorations. I'd like to be able to use decorations with my main profile without having to settle for something unfitting in servers.
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Bumping this. I'm really surprised this wasn't a feature already included as soon as avatar decorations were available to change on server profiles.
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