I have a bundle feedback so I will make one post
- Make it so you can login with username on this website. I noticed I had my username already in, so all I had to do was change to my email, but I think it would be just the same as logging in with my username. Just a bit faster as I do not have to change to email and can easily login from auto logon.
- When you click a discord invite, you get autolinked to the discord.exe This will create a pop-up and requires to login to discord PC. Sometimes someone else has already logged in, making it difficult. Either way (Both could be annoying (browser vs. PC). I am now logged in on both my browser and PC. And I simply want to say: When logging in with browser only, you will get no popups and faster joining as you don't need a: 1. pop-up 2. discord.exe to start
- Multiple delete , edit or more functionality: Sometimes when you post a lot of messages in a row, you have to delete them one by one. It actually helped me to organize my server better, but sometimes I do make the mistake to spam quite a lot. My suggestion would be to make it possible to select multiple message and delete them. (Or more)
- Have the right click be custom. Currently you have about 6 options. However, there's a lot more options you could choose form in the discord configs. So I would suggest to make it custom for the user to decide what they would want to use as the right click config.
- Remove Reaction (Emoji) button. You can remove it by tapping the button again, but not by right clicking and removing.
- Feedback reward system: Money is hard to gather in the digital space. Together with bug bounties, it would be nice to have a feedback reward system aswell. Whatever low earnings one could make, would make a big impact on our personal lifes.
- Add NFT as profile picture. Webb3 is out for a while now, we all had our terrors. It would be nice to add a NFT through metamask wallet or any other wallet. To display it as my profile picture. Bots already make it possible to add roles, but there is no official discord function for this.
- Add AI Functionality: It probably costs a lot, but even a private function or service would be very nice to have. Perhaps I should look into bots before this, but if might accelerate our knowledge about AI.
- Bulk leave server function. Or any mass server function. I'm glad I only joined 20 now. But I remember when I was in about 100+ That's not healthy. Please add a function to leave more than one at a time.
- Bigger field to right click next to the servers. When you want to configurate the servers on the left, you have to click on the circle. When you miss there will be no right clicking.
- Upgrade to Nitro: Put it in the desktop.exe like in older programs. Make it so cheap everyone would buy it. Why? More revenue, fun and classic experience.
- Let me use all emoticons. I wonder what the storage costs would be for all emoticons on discord.
- Make it easy to select messages and copy them
- Make it possible to change the color and other formatting on the channels on the left.
- Make a very easy tutorial on all the technical stuff, so everyone knows what it all means
Excuse me for the long list, I hope some of the ideas help.
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