3D Model Preview (.stl, .obj, .fbx, etc.)
I am surprised that this feature isn't in higher demand. The workflow fluidity that having a 3D model renderer/viewer could facilitate, has a lot of potential to it.
Since Discord is mainly catering to the gamer community, and since a reasonable segment of that community is involved in game development and/or game modding, having that feature at your fignertips would set Discord apart from other platforms considerably in this particular area.
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I totally agree - there is demand for it.
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I just got into 3d art with blender and it would be nice if I could show people my creations. With a 3D model preview they wouldn't have to download anything, just swipe to look around the object. So please add a 3d model preview.
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necro bump! Because this feature would be very cool. I send .FBX files and .OBJ files to clients and indie game devs on Discord pretty often. Win10 has a native FBX/OBJ viewer (3D viewer)- but it'd be a swanky bonus for game devs team & communities if there was a similar embedded option available.
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WE WANT MODEL VIEWER! Would be good for me as I spend ages in Sketchup creating models. I will convert to the supported file formats if I have to
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I'm surprised that the blender community hasn't yet killed by up-votes this suggestion . . . would be amazing
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We **need** this feature!
PS: Please enable Markdown for this forum
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Yes please!!
You could have a look at how FileRun does it, maybe that helps make it easy to implement...?Pretty please? :)
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I was having this discussion with a ton of all my modeling friends! We NEED this!
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Please do integrate a 3D viewer into Discord. It would make things stellar!
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Waiting for this one...
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I agree.
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There is also this in the works
https://github.com/Outpox/STL-Viewer#:~:text=STL%20Viewer%20is%20a%20Discord,and%20Typescript%20using%20the%20Discord.I am also VERY interested in such a plugin.
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There is also this in the works
https://github.com/Outpox/STL-Viewer#:~:text=STL%20Viewer%20is%20a%20Discord,and%20Typescript%20using%20the%20Discord%Hum3DI am also VERY interested in such a plugin.
Thank you, I did not know about this bot. Maybe I'll try to integrate it for my needs.
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What I really wanted is help from THREE js to enable the creation of 3d images using the normal Canvas that developers use in their bots and not a Canvas that they use on websites,
Because in this way we will be able to see the 3d model that a user sent in an image created by a bot.
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As a game developer and 3D printer enthusiast, being able to send a model to a friend and letting them drag it around and look at it would be a godsend. Agree
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