A rainbow name would interfere with the role colors in servers. It would cause too much confusion and is not necessary. Besides, you already have a Nitro badge that is displayed on your profile to indicate you have purchased Nitro.
Edit: welp. copypasta.
9 -
1. Why?
2. What
3. This is a duplicate suggestion of one that already got downvoted a ton4 -
I feel like this could be abused to make it be in a situation where, I have a rainbow name, i'm much better then you kinda situation, when nitro shouldnt really be giving you any kind of power like that. 4 -
No... 4 -
just no 4 -
Gradient colored roles will be more interesting, my opinion
4 -
It would certainly NOT overload the server woth API requests, however, I do agree that this should not be implemented anyway.
3 -
that sounds laggy 2 -
Would be cool if it does but its annoying for Server Owners / Mods
1 -
1 -
Metallic colors, glittery colors, glowing, etc etc. Lots of filters they can apply imo
1 -
@Rainbow_of_Sass Discord doesn't host any of the bots, they created specific apis for bots to interact with servers.
If you want a role color changing bot you can most likely find one with a simple search, or learn the basics of programming and use a discord library (Discord.js, Discord.py, Discordia) to make it and host it yourself
1 -
@Rainbow_of_Sass Discord doesn't host any bots. The creators of the bots host them. Also, a rainbow effect would not even have an impact on Discord's server as a rainbow effect is client side. It would only affect clients with lower end machines, which is not a good thing. There is literally no point in rainbow effects.
1 -
@Heck a color changing bot is against the API rules as it will be sending too many requests.
1 -
It's a good idea.
0 -
It would be pretty cool ur idea
0 -
Like it!
0 -
is not a good edey but is cose relly good LAG :/
0 -
Ermm well maybe it could be toggleable
0 -
Hm this will abuse the api.. and it's not very useful 0 -
0 -
Discord Should Add A Feature To The Colors Of Roles In The Menu When You Are Creating/Editing The Role
0 -
Rainbow Roles is banned because bots that do that flood the discord server. Nitro users who enable that are doing the same thing technically, just flood the server. So do you think it is going to be implemented?
0 -
No... Please, no...
0 -
No because is an API Abuse and if rainbow roles was allowed all Discord will be more slow
-1 -
Honestly I think having a rainbow role would be amazing! Like yeah it might be laggy... but if discord can handle Pokébot over thousands of servers at any given time I’m sure they can figure out a way to either promote rainbow colour changing bots or just give an option to chose rainbow colour on roles normally and have it change say every 5-10secs?
-1 -
No because is an API Abuse and if rainbow roles was allowed all Discord will be more slow
-3 -
This would be bad for the Discord servers (like the hosting type) because of all of the API requests. -3 -
if you want rainbow roles you'd need to make a bot just change role colors
-3 -
There’s a bot that does the rainbow role thing.
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