Add a server setting to disallow private messages to users


138 opmerkingen

  • Risky

    Also disabling DM from servers is a user-side so each user has to do it on his own, but users do not listen to me while i want to protect them..

  • dkkoba

    You cannot do this unless you hide discord IDs within server
    This is up to the individual server who they interact with outside your server.
    Not a very good request imho.


    We are having similar issues, users receiving discord invites DMs, which leads our most naive and unsuspecting users to get "recruited" and brainwashed in hostile communities.

    We may have to shut down our discord server if this issue isn't fixed.

  • raffkaisa
    already exists my dude
  • Matthew


    I'm not sure if you're aware, but this is already possible.

    Right click a server > Privacy settings > Allow direct messages from server members.


    I hope this helps :D

  • ||Jojo||
    I think the author of this suggestion means global for all users, because this is still a complication on big servers.
  • bastet_of_orion
    I think having this as a role permission is a great idea, especially if a levelling system is ever natively implemented.
  • Twisted_Code

    Doesn't the setting "Allowed direct messages and server members" under "Server name > Privacy Settings" work like this? Sure, it's something users would have to set for themselves, but I'm not sure I want a server controlling whether other members can DM me and vice versa, at least after a certain time has passed.

    You know how there's an option to set servers to block messages until someone has been a member for 10 minutes? Maybe do the same with DMs but for longer since they are harder for admins to regulate, and make that happen at a lower verification level.

    edit 2020-11-21: Touché nnnik. Hadn't really thought this one through... but I still think it should just change the default "Allow direct messages from server members" setting. Kind of like how servers can set the default notification setting to "at-mentions only". I'll follow up with a proper reply to this thread in a little bit, but I wanted to address why I assume this post has been building negative rep first... /shrug

  • nnnik

    Each server should be able to manage their own verification system. There is not a single good reason why you cannot make a friend request to talk via dm - this is always possible. Yet it often happens that bots or malicious users join and send bad messages via dm. A time delay would do exactly nothing as the accounts can be prepared in advance. There has to be a way for server owners to regulate that and protect their members. Role permissions would work extremely well in my opinion.

  • Kefka

    This would be amazing as a role permission. Discord is having more and more issues with DM spammers and spambots. A role persmission for sending DMs to other server members would fix the issue completely.

  • HG

    As long as users can toggle DMs back on just for themselves, I am fine with this.

  • Kefka

    HG's comment is why I feel it should be a role permission and not a server-wide permission. This way you can give the permission back to users after they validate to confirm they are not a bot. A server perm would simply be allow or dont. No control.

    Its also worth noting that this would only stop you from sending DMs to other members of that server only (unless the 2 users also share another server that does allow it). It wont prevent users from sending DMs at all or anything like that. You could ALWAYS bypass this proposed permission by adding each other as friends, too.

  • Slime

    Would be a very useful setting to have without completely limiting users

  • brenny

    100% on board. Would be nice to not have a bot spamming my pms.

  • TitanicFreak

    As an owner of an 11,000 member discord and growing, this would greatly help everyone in our server and myself.


    Time and time again bots abuse the fact if you join a server you can message just about everyone on the server and spam them with invite links. Disabling open DMs by default would put a stop to ALL of this as the only current solution is to kick the bots before they can message anyone.


    Reporting these users to discord trust and safety does work, but it's a painfully slow process and only prevents them from focusing on more serious issues.



  • hallowqueen

    I agree 100%, it'd solve a lot of issues, while still allowing contact with specific members via DMs, if needed. 

  • Tas

    Yes please.

  • Raj

    This is something that's 100% needed for any large gaming community. A lot of smaller gaming communities tend to spam the larger ones to advertise themselves in an attempt to grow. I'm honestly surprised that there's no sort of default toggle feature to disable open PMs between server members, as botting is becoming more and more common as time goes by.


    While it won't stop 100% of the bot attacks (As bots can still spam text channels or add users to spam them then), it would stop a large majority of them, which is still better than nothing.

  • Martini

    Hey @Raj, waddup fam how's it hangin'?


    Also, agreed.

  • Josh.

    Lol, @Martini

    This would be helpful for a lot of servers +1

  • Teywer

    10/10 idea, would solve a lot of bot issues that plague larger discord servers

  • Warofthetom

    As part of multiple gaming communities for different games, the issue needs to be addressed. The bigger Discord servers I am part of seem to be getting spammed nearly weekly and even some of the smaller ones are still targets. Almost always bot accounts and almost always spamming every members inboxes. 

  • SomeCatIDK

    I've been moderating a verified Discord guild with ~9k members for quite some time now.

    One of our biggest issues are these spam bots; moreover, we mostly encounter people sending links to "pay for sex in your local area" sites which is not great considering our community is for a game targeting a younger audience and also technically advertising an activity that is illegal in the US and most countries.

    I would love to see a system where they can only people if they have a role in the mutual guild or are friended, since we have a OAuth2 verification system that tracks connected accounts for roles/ban evasion purposes.

  • SirKillian

    I support a "fix" for this.
    Yesterday over 300 bots joined our server all with the "in new to discord. Say hi!" One account every 1-3 minutes for a duration of 12 hours straight...

  • Tryharding


  • Kech


  • sil

    Please add this feature :)

  • eldni

  • Taylor

    100% agree add this

  • Selfoccate

    Totally agree, sick of people advertising their servers in my DMs


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