Mobile custom rolecolors



120 opmerkingen

  • Umut A.

    This feature is also very nice if the phone comes.

  • charitwo
  • yxoyelir

    Unfortunately I'm unable to use a laptop/pc and made my whole server through mobile (Android). It would be more inclusive and easier if mobile users were able to make roles with custom colours!! I literally had to ask friends to do it for me through their pcs, which was extremely frustrating... I've gotten to a point where I had get bots to create coloured roles because it gets tiring to bother people.

    Let's honest the available colours are super bland and overall meh. I've seen posts about this matter from over a year ago!! The custom status was a good idea and fun for everyone, but where's the custom colours that would be a very useful addition? Just consider this option, mobile users would be content with it.

  • RandomGgames

    Yes please!!

  • Lukeyboy

    Please can it be a thing

  • $h4døw__Hunt3r

    If this gets added why not make it so that IF the owner wants a custom colour role then they have to type in the hex bc the hex grid is annoying to use on mobile last i heard

  • ;;Roxy^💫

    I agree that this should be added. I've seen multiple mobile apps with similar features. So, it can be done somehow. Or at least let us use a hex code box to type the colour code into it. As of now, I usually have to go onto Google on my mobile then go to desktop mode to change the colour. This way is extremely hard as desktop mode isn't made for a small screen making the buttons tiny. Having it added to the app itself would be a great feature for non-desktop users.


    Sometimes the PC version can do things mobile can't, and some of those are quite stupid for being unavailable for us mobile users atm.

  • minodhl


  • FPS

    I also need the custom colour option on mobile.

  • coconut

    I found a way to do this.
    You need to have DynoBot


    ?rolecolor (hex value) (role ping)

  • elkay

    coconut, while Dyno is a method to use custom color roles is valid, you have to find a hex value offsite and people may not want the bot. People want it integrated in the app.

    Anyways, if it was integrated into the app that would be easier for mobile server owners.

  • Ryan | LOOKM3UP

    I think you can bypass this by hoing on discord on something like chrome on your mobile phone. Not sure though.

  • Various people are suggesting using the web browser client. If you use the web client on mobile even just to log in you can see just how difficult it is to do anything, much less see what you are doing.

  • MK

    I usally have to use the browser to do role colours.

  • ❥ | She’s Baby

    I like how all of us are asking that you please add a Hex for colours on mobile and you’ve yet to do so :/ Like I’m tired of having to pull out my pc. Just to edit a new role I added from grey to white. Especially if I’m out and about.

  • Yeenaam

    This feature is actually very easy to do on mobile, all you have to do is log into discord via your browser, decline requests to open in the discord app, then just edit the roles as you normally would!

    Was going to revamp colours on my server today when I noticed this, there wasn’t any thread with an answer that I found, so I resorted to just trying this out and it ended up working.

    Hope this helps!

  • Blacksonny

    I need this feature too. It annoys me to use this feature on a mobile browser, and even there it is annoying.


    We really need this! You don’t understand how embarrassing it is to ask your friends to change your color because you’re on mobile and can’t! They need to allow this so it’s easier for mobile users!!

  • AshtonV3

    I understand this is an old thread so my comment may as well be marked as spam. But I did struggle with this on mobile for a while until I did some digging. Most bots have an add rank/role feature which allows hex’s. I used Dyno on one of my servers and the command goes as following addrank name hexcode, I’m not sure if this will help anyone but helped me especially since google has a hex slider.

  • NoenDaBean

    we rlly need more color optionssss

  • NoenDaBean

    we rlly need more color optionssss

  • Eol Rait-Sarpa

    Of course, it would be quite convenient to have an expanded palette of colors at hand in the mobile version, just like in the PC version, if only because it would be much more convenient, because every time you run to the PC version of Discord, it is not convenient, especially given that there may not be access to the PC

  • Jisu

    This will a great feature if this hex colour role available on Android

  • Firehawke

    A color wheel and hex entry for colors should be available for desktop AND mobile users, for any place where a color can be specified. That means folders, roles-- the works.

    Please implement this!

  • Raisy

    now, we have custom role colour on mobile with alpha 24th version

  • Kiyoko

    this is a feature that was already added, and i think the label "completed" should be added!

  • @Canary, I just updated my phone and discord to the latest stable release. (iphone 5s, iOS 13.5.1, changelog 26.0) You cannot do custom colors

  • Kiyoko

    @「ᴼʷᴼTactical Support Furry」this was added to Android, not sure about iOS, sorry about that.

  • Base64

    Mobile has this now :)

    *I don't work for discord*


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