Ability to change browser to open links


54 opmerkingen

  • Zankman

    That is what I have done since - but, you know, that makes EVERYTHING open in one browser as opposed to the other.

    Rare or not, I use two different browsers for different sets of things... I wish I could change which Browser Discord specifically itself uses.

  • Bejasc

    Another +1 for this.

    I use chrome for work, and Firefox for personal browsing.

    In Slack, I'd like web links to open using chrome, and from Discord, I'd like to open Firefox.
    This is so I can maintain separate work/personal environments.

  • Davethebuck

    I would also like to see this as a feature. 

  • Zankman

    +1 to this, it is really annoying. :/

  • fubbleskag

    +1 for this


    @Black Jesus your link is unrelated to the described request.

  • TheLastMage


  • Adelscott

    We need this, and no @op, it's not difficult to do. But mpov is that Discord rarely adds something that comes from the community.

  • Znote

    I actively use 4 different browsers for different purposes. And I would like to open links clicked in Discord through a specific browser (that is not my system default browser). 

    How to do this?

  • Verse


    I need this too. This is the exact thing I searched google for that brought me to this thread. To see if the browser to open discord links can be set in the desktop app.

  • MisterPumpkinBread009

    I use Opera for school and firefox for youtube. +1 please add

  • joncoale


    this would be very useful

  • sd.ponomarenko

    + 1, for macOS in my case. We use Discord as a corporate messenger and I need to open links in my work browser. 

  • Psylem

    Yeah, it sucks. The workflow for people that have a default browser that's used for everything they don't want discord links opening is... click link... "oh crap, that's right... abort! abort!"... right-click+"Copy Link"... Alt-Tab to the browser you want to use for discord links, paste, hope the Internet cookie tentacle megaplex corps don't start trying to sell me stuff in my primary browser now because of that link I just clicked.

  • Grit Breather

    Oh please +1

    I use Chrome for personal stuff and Edge for work. What Psylem wrote is the exact workflow I go through EVERY TIME. Send help!

  • Scrim

    This is the main problem I have with Discord. Every time I want to open a link or an attachment I have to manually copy it and open in Firefox because Chrome is my default browser (and I use it for a different workflow). This is incredibly annoying. Most other apps I use that rely on an external browser to open and download attachments allow you to select the browser in their settings. You should at least prompt the user, letting them know this will open the file in their default browser, not do it automatically! This needs to be fixed.

  • Adelscott

    NKYadav it works for me with BrowserSelector (from the Microsoft Store) or with Browser Chooser 2.


  • Haidou

    It seems many years later they didn't implement this easy function. They are stubborn as other big companies it seems. The performance of the application will not hit the bottom if it is implemented.

    I hope they will implement soon. It is annoying that all links are going to the default web browser. I am using Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Brave because of web development but for personal usage I am using Firefox. I would like to open the links which shared on the Discord in Edge instead.

    They would have easy task to list the installed web browsers and then just the user would select. We will see how many years takes to implement such small function but useful one.

  • 👌 蟻が糖 👌

    @Znote: That's exactly what my situation is.

    After two years, the problem still stands. We've racked up 56 votes but I doubt discord official support will respond any time soon. Hope we keep getting traction.

  • Lionel

    Please, make this an option !!

  • Nonanan

    pls i really need it

  • Heroesflorian


  • NorthDweller


  • thinbegin


  • KBinturong



    On Mobile... Why doesn't it open the associative app for the corresponding link? If I post a FB link, it should open the link clicker's FB app, not Facebook on the default mobile internet browser... which more often than not requires an individual to login first... when they see that they think it's trying to steal their FB credentials. I challenge the Dev team to not only resolve this, but the above mentioned feature as well... it's been here for 2 years.. do you guys even care anymore like you did when you thought of the idea when you still had passion or now that the money is in the bank you're like pffft... there is a term for that... sell out. Please rectify this issue.

  • Arcitree

    For the discord links opening in a certain browser, in my experience, if you use google chrome and use different synced accounts on a PC, whichever browser you last clicked on is the one discord will choose to open any links in

  • Morgan J

    Aaaaand, +1 here too.

  • Adelscott

    +1 Psylem, it's exactly what I have to deal with.

  • AGamer

    Yes. I hate the links just opening up in Microsoft Edge when I use Google Chrome to do most things. Someone make this in the next update.

  • MrPerfect

    Yes can we please have this ability. If I just don't install another browser, it seems to work fine but I can only go a few days it seems without needing another one or two for work and school. I absolutely do not want cdn links opening in bloated chromium every single time it could just open in qutebrowser or something less bloated. How hard is it to just implement something small like this? It literally works fine until I install a different browser alongside my primary one.


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