Multilanguage (CJK) Font Support


11 opmerkingen

  • MizManTheFryingP🍳

    Yes, please!!!

    Here is the text when the locale is set to English.

    And here is the text when the locale is set to Japanese:

    There is a clear difference in readability when it comes to kanji. Its day and night, please fix this!

  • MNH48

    Following this.

    As someone who uses Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese on a daily basis, I really hope this gets implemented. I find it painful to see the mix of different fonts on Windows.

    On Android, the fallback font is universal sans-serif font so it's not as painful as on Windows. 


    The ugly SimSun is still not fixed in 2021...

    So SimSun is essentially a serif font and it works weirdly with sans-serif fonts. I use other electron-based apps, like Notion, and they fixed the CJK font problems last year, changing it from SimSun to Microsoft Yahei. I wonder why the dev team of Discord is unable to make a similar modification.

  • Brown Floyd

    Holy hell, you have to change this. The Japanese kanji font (SimSun) is so chopstick-y that it feels almost racist reading the chat.


    Fix this discord! Chinese characters are ATROCIOUS on discord. They are so pixelated and ugly. so hard to read.

  • LuL

    i don't think discord will fix this.

    for me i just use discord on chrome and set the fonts to hiragino sans

    i looked much nicer

  • TranquilHope

    Yes, please fix this.

  • Qwertie

    astrum's idea of configuring our own fallback fonts is simple from a user's perspective, and would be relatively easy to implement, as well. If a user is bothered enough by this font issue, they'll be motivated enough to look through Discord's settings, at the very least. All it takes is picking a font or two, which is orders of magnitude easier than messing with Linked Fonts in Windows. 

    Why SimSun? When the SimSun characters are large, they're out of place with all the serifs. When they're small, they're so bitmappy and crunched together, it's headache-inducing to try and read anything. 

    I can't believe this still hasn't been fixed. 

  • Max

    Adding in my support for this. It's really annoying to have to change the entire locale or use Discord on Chrome because we can't customize the fonts and SimSun is awful for proper kanji readability.

  • King

    Would be awesome if this is fixed.
    top is fallback character
    bottom is the respective language.

    This is for chinese character.


    An update:

    The SimSun issue is resolved on my desktop after an update. Finally...🥲


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