Overlay compatibility for macOS
Upgrade to Windows... *wink wink*
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Hamtaro some people don't want to upgrade to windows because they are fine with MacOSX
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I second this. Mac gaming is annoying enough, so I find not having features that Windows users have is just infuriating.
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Yeah, this feature would be really good to have!
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We need overlay support for mac OS! It's been 6 months since your blog post about the overlay updates/new features. I realize us mac users are not as overwhelmingly common as windows users, but come on - macs are popular enough that it shouldn't take this long to give us overlay too.
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Agreed! Please allow Discord overlays for mac OS!
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yeah it really shouldn't be that hard, even though I know nothing about coding so i mean no offense. It's just a transparent 'always on top' widget-y thing that is updated when someone talks?
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Sorry, but it isn't easy. Windows and Mac OS are very different, and getting a feature implemented on one platform does not guarantee it for the other. A lot of software is limited for Mac OS because companies are often short developers in this area, and I wouldn't be surprised if Discord has this issue. As a programmer myself, I know that there are many roadblocks in developing cross platform applications, and the Discord development team is most likely hard at work trying to implement this for Mac OS and creating new features for mobile as well. The Discord store is also another big thing that is being worked on, so it's best that we are patient as the development team works hard to give us the best Discord experience!
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Ramennoodle, since Discord fully supports Mac and iOS I don’t think it is unreasonable to think 6months is too long to wait for, at minimum, a beta overlay for Mac users. My other complaint is that they don’t mention the Mac incompatiblity issue until the very end of the blog post. So, they got their users all hyped up over a new feature that we can’t even use. Also, the lack of communication (even letting us know it was being worked on would be nice) makes a frustrating situation worse. You are right that the two systems are different enough to make cross-platform difficult BUT Mac computers have been pretty mainstream for awhile now. We shouldn’t need to wait this long for a feature implementation. My original post was 6 months after the original blog....now it’s been another 3.
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Also, I think adding extra features like the store or new things for mobile shouldn’t take precedence over giving an existing feature to Mac users.
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I agree. I would love to also have the macOS overlay, and the discord team should, for the moment, focus on making features avalailble for everyone, instead of adding new features.
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I see this issue goes back at least 3 years. Sure they managed to get the app on iOS, but apparently we can suck wind on our computers. Think it’s patently obvious there is no plan or intention to get the overlay working on Macs. We’re apparently not even worthy of a mention as to any intent or why there isn’t even a desire or, god forbid, a plan... The GAME runs fine on Macs, all the add-in’s work fine, why not the overlay? I know Mumble had one working a while ago, so it can’t be that hard. Very disappointing and certainly makes me want to discourage the use of discord wherever I can.
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So where are the old petitions/suggestions for OSX Overlays?
I know I signed one about 2 years ago.
Removed and hope we forgotten??
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Overlay for Mac OS, Yes please! Especially since eGPUs are now heavily supported with MAC OS, there should be absolutely no reason why Discord doesn't get on the ball and make this happen. Mac Gaming is becoming more of a thing than ever!
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"It has been a very long time since this has been addressed so the question is, is discord working on overlay for mac? and if so when are they expected to launch it?
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You know discordances developers it. would be nice to hear something...
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Also, should we revive the petition and try to get enough signatures and show it to discord?
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I'd be glad to sign any petition along these lines although I seriously doubt it would have any impact. What I find galling is they don't just give us this typical line "Your market share is way too low for us to devote any resources to having too much parity with our M$ version." Thank god they have an "experimental" mode because without that, none of my choices for input or output work correctly. PLUS, as having a very heavy impact in the MMO game market, many find ourselves kinda forced into it... plus a LOT of support for third party enhancements to that genre of gaming has been slowly shifted over to Discord.
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I have a dream, that one day OS X will get Discord overlay!
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Has it been a year already and still no support with MacOS Overlay?
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I, not Giorno Giovanna, have a dream... and that's support for Mac Overlay.
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Doesn't sound like they should have an issue building this with $279.3 million in VC funding.
https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/discord#section-overview1 -
WarCraftLogs just changed from Air x-platform to Electron... MUCH better on OS X. Dev said Discord was also built on Electron... so why no overlay for Mac users? My guild Discord is dead as a doornail (raid team uses in-game, ALL of us get an overlay) and the only reason to keep it is support from key add-on developers and PerkyPugs.
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Yes! Mac Users need Games Too!!!! 1 -
Ok so obviously I know this is repetitive but I just wanted to add my voice of support here: MAC OVERLAY FEATURE PLEASE. I game perfectly well on my macbook pro, AND I play cross platform with PC and PS4 users so like.... would appreciate being able to use the overlay feature.
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I completely agree! Since the removal of games, I wonder if game I have added to my library if they will stay in my library even if I haven't downloaded or played them. I didn't even get the chance to enjoy any of the features that Nitro has, just because I'm on Mac... But, since they are removing the catalog of game, this means they have more time to work on MacOS features? I hope so
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I suggest that instead of these Discord employees constantly merging different requests for getting an overlay on MacOS/Linux, their time might be better spent actually developing the overlay for MacOS and Linux, which would in fact remove the need to merge all these requests, since there would be no reason for requesting it anymore if such a thing existed.
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please add the overlay, it's been almost a year since the original request
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I would also like to add a voice to the mac overlay request.
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IDC if its hard, atleast add the little profile pictures on the top left.
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