Bot Channel/Category indicator icon
Add bot specific icons to Categories and Channels that have bot role permissions assigned specifically read/send. If the bot icon only showed up when users could interact with it, it would let users know which channels give which perks.
For example, is the Dank Memer bot icon was on a specific channel, it would indicate that the channel had full bot command capability.
If the designated Pokecord icon was on a channel, you would know you’re gaining exp and can catch Pokémon.
Another needed option would be a possible red outline around the bot icons to show they are listening for exp gains but don’t have send access.
In certain chat channels I allow exp gains from all bots but because I encourage authentic chat, I also have send disabled so the users are their for chat interaction and not bot interaction.
Simply put: Bot icons on the channels they give exp and have send permissions available.
Can you tell me how to add bots like Dank Memer and Nekobot to my servers tho
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i cant figer out how to get dank memer
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