We need overlay for webcam!
Hello! Please, added overlay for webcam!
I want to see my friend when he turns on the webcam!
YES! I want this so bad! I'd be amazing for an overlay for games like Tabletop Simulator or other online tabletop RPG games that don't have web camera's available!
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Listen to these guys! ☝️ Please give us web cam overlay for games like Tabletop Simulator, it's the only thing missing atm, having to look elsewhere for cam overlay.
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I was just about to make a post on this! I want to play games while seeing my friends' webcams off discord.
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Yes please!
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My friends and I, as well as another group I know from work, have now moved to using Zoom so we can see each others' faces when we play D&D on Tabletop Simulator. That's a real shame because I want to support Discord - the client is great otherwise! ☹️
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Yes we need an overlay for webcam to play among us with the moving face of our friends !
Pour l'amour de la vie, pour l'amour des jeux, pour l'amour du partage, give us a plugin to have an overlay
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