Botbuilder make a inbuildt Botbuilder on pc so coding a bot doesnt hassle you anymore
Let me tell you some things about being a part of the Discord API:
#1: Discord will not go out of their way to host your bot, its your responsibility and duty to do it yourself
#2: It is not expensive to host a bot, you can pay 5$ minimum for a VPS at DigitalOcean, OVH, etc
#3: if your bot is big for some unexpected reason (probably not), then you should make a patreon or whatever you prefer
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As a bot developer, i think this would take out all the fun of making bots... 0 -
Why would you do that when you can learn any language and start coding? Throughout my time programming my bot, I was able to learn JavaScript, or to some extent the very fundamentals of programming itself.
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Learn to program if you really want your own bot
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While it might help out people who don't know how to program a bot, it doesn't seem practical. A few questions I have about it would be:
1. What library would it use? There are no official Discord bot libraries. Would you be able to choose what programming language it uses?
2. What would it do about hosting? Would it let you download the bot files and let you host it yourself? Would Discord host it for you?
3. Would it be free? It would be a lot of work for Discord to make a bot making website, and especially if they were the ones hosting the bots.
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This is a good idea at some instances but, learning a programming language is easy. You just have to familiarize yourself with it 0 -
Saya malah tidak tahu apa-apa tentang discord dan bot
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Saya orang awam yang tidk tahu tentang itu tp apakah saya bisa mempelajarinya biar saya tahu dan mengerti tentang discord bot
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codeblocks ?
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Do you mean like scratch type coding? Also that would be kind of pointless for them to go through all that. Why not just learn to code? It's not very hard if you actually put time into it.
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Learn it yourself lmao
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There's Discord Bot Maker on Steam. It's $10 and has enough features for a simple bot, there's also extensions for it if you want something more advanced. After you make it, you can host it yourself or move it to another device/host to run it 24/7.
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It is so easy to make a bot, if they made this, all bots would be copies of each other. Also, consider these: 1. Who would host it? 2. How much would it cost? 0 -
Nooooo , you are just lazy
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There is a Discord bot maker on steam.
As someone that can code, it's atrocious, but if you can't code, it works.
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It's only use would then be very simple and limited bots.
Simple things like mute, kick, ban, purgeThen if you're not willing to learn to code you're most likely not willing to buy/rent a server (or old laptop) to host the bot
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as some others have already said, you can code one or use 'Discord Bot Maker' From steam. It would just end up being additional, unnecessary, load on discord servers to do this when it could easily be hosted yourself on something like a raspberry Pi 0 -
This is very unnecessary and would provide more load on Discord's servers as DevFreak has said, it would cost discord and this does not provide any earnings to Discord, since there are probably many 9 year olds on Discord using scratch and calling themselves 'programmers', it would make Discord go bankrupt in less than 2 years, so either learn to program or use the previously suggested 'Discord Bot Maker'. 0 -
Or just learn how to code.... 0 -
Why? Just learn to code, there’s hours and hours and hours of tutorials on youtube to teach you to code while making a Discord bot. It’s on you to learn to make a Discord bot, and it isn’t hard either. Plus, this would take some of the fun and satisfaction out of making a bot. 0 -
There are loads of different ways to write bot code and discord cannot tailor to all of them + we have no idea what somebody would want that bot to do, making it basically an impossible task to write general tips for a wide range of things. 0
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