Flag message as unread
VoltooidI think most people can relate to the feeling: you see a message and think "I'll relook at this later when I have more time" but then forgets about it.
Thats why it would be really nice to have a "mark as unread" option, so you get reminded later by the unread message again.
Would be a simple feature that would improve many people's lifes.
Holding Alt + double clicking on a message marks every message below it as unread. 8 -
On desktop just hold the Alt key and click the message to mark it as unread
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This alt-click thing works, but it is a bit tech-savvy. I might forgot how to do it if I don't use it for a while.
A most UI approach is to add a context in right click on the channel or anywhere else might be needed.
Now a "mark read" is present, should be followed with a "mark unread" in the same manner.Edit: If this feature doesn't exist in cellphones, it needs to be added there as well..!
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+1 to @jdran:
Would be nice to get this contextual menu item by clicking either on message or on channel/DM on all the current platforms, please! 🙏3 -
Being able to mark PMs/DMs unread would also be great!
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This would be useful for me, as I regularly forget about things. 1 -
Hm, it doesn't work properly for DMs though, if you restart Discord then the DMs go back to being read again. So, it's actually not very useful in its current state, hopefully they fix it.
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Hmm, sounds like a good idea 0 -
@Ten said, "On desktop just hold the Alt key and click the message to mark it as unread"
I can confirm this works. However, I would propose something different or in addition to this.
If Discord could allow a feature for each individual post in Servers and Direct Messages to have some different kind of a look until they're marked "read" and also allow them to be marked "unread" again by users.
In Servers, it would be under "Manage Messages". In Direct Messages it could be in the same vertical dot menu as the Pin feature.
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Discord just released the feature, guys!
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Why this feature needs an AB testing is... out of comprehension..!
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Oh goodness, yes. Please!
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Seems like I'm in an AB testing group for it, you can use the context menu on any message in a server or DM and click Mark Unread and it works great, I am so incredibly happy about this!
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do you meant "add a left sidebar of unread channels"
or "add a read indicator"
sorry but it's hard to read or understand what you wanted
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