Option to Disable Automatic Scrolling to Newest Message on Mobile


53 opmerkingen

  • noony

    There already is one.

  • FastenM

    Not in the android app

  • Auto

    Has this been answered? I would also like to stop Automatic Scrolling to Newest Message in Android. (I.e. I want to keep reading where I left off previously and manually scroll down to the newest message). 

  • Evening Newbs

    It also jumps to the bottom if you switch to another app and come back, your screen turns off, or if you scroll down far enough to trigger the next page of messages to load. It's extremely frustrating to read conversation history.

  • SasukeVita

    Yes its very annoying for android app

  • Cyrain

    Still very annoying. I hope there's an update for this.

  • darnel

    Where is that option on which platform?

  • Gendal

    It’s crazy annoying. If you even lock your phone you lose your place on iOS.

  • SacredGeometryPan

    Discord is a joke when it comes to replying to us!

  • Flint

    I can't read my backlog at all. You need to read hundreds of messages in one go or scroll back every time you lock the screen

  • TechnoCapitalEatery

    Please fix this it makes discord unusable on mobile I will uninstall until fixed

  • chrisvroberts

    Still not an option 2 years on...

  • GeneticBlueprint

    This needs to be done. Impossible to find where you last read if you're in a big server.

  • PitViper

    Yeah this is crazy stupid behavior. Why can't we scroll up and stay there? Instead we are constantly pushed back to the bottom.

  • yoshi253

    And still not a fix. App is unusable in active channels.

  • FastenM

    It's strange to hear that people still have this issue, I posted about it 2 years ago, but for me It's fixed it doesn't auto scroll to the bottom anymore

  • jpzzl

    We would like to have an option not to scroll down to the latest message when loading a chat. It takes a second to load in which I am where I last left off, but when trying to catch up I suddenly get yanked away to see the newest messages. I would like to be able to stay where I am and press the "scroll to bottom" button when I'm ready.

  • Kidwheel

    Still not fixed and no comments from tech support. Nice one, discord

  • metalbry

    Please fix this! Most annoying issue on any app I use on a regular basis.

  • Oneiros

    Same here. It automatically scrolls down to the last entry when I open a channel, when I switch between apps and come back to discord and when I scroll down and it hits a specific point in the page. It is annoying, because I always need to find the point where I have stopped reading.

  • Mike

    This is making the app unusable for me. I'm also on Android.

  • knockymetal

    Devs: any possibility for a "More messages below." bubble to appear at the bottom of the chat when we scroll up? So we only get incoming new messages after we tap the bubble. Kinda like how Twitch does it for their chat feature.

  • jeef

    +1 please fix!! One of my most frustrating user experiences across all my apps.

  • Demon98


    its time to make it.
    and search and scroll to the date X in a chat.
    unreally BIGEST thanx for that!

    Make fix, not war!


  • ZigZug


  • 𝐕𝐨𝐫⸸𝐞𝐱𓅨

    This bug has existed for over 5 years. This is an extremely embarrassing error to have dragged out this long. Get your shit together Discord.

  • pencilneckgeek

    This behavior is incredibly frustrating; PLEASE fix any way you please.

  • knockymetal

    Can other iOS users please confirm this bug has been fixed? This is now fixed for me and I wonder if I'm an outlier. I go to a channel that continuously gets new messages, and I can scroll up to read and not be sent down to these new messages until I tap on the top banner. And that's great for me!

    If I'm not an outlier, I guess either update the Discord app on your iPhone/iPad or still have to wait for a fix for Android.

  • ArchonErikr

    This is an incredibly frustrating basic feature not to have! Discord constantly forces me back to the newest message when I'm trying to catch up on old messages. It happens whenever I lock the screen, switch to another app for a moment, or even sometimes just when someone posts a new message. It's incredibly frustrating, and makes catching up on the more active channels a near-impossible task. Please give us a way to turn this off! There's already a "jump to new" button, so why force us there when we don't want to be there?

  • Suu



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