Android Embed Copy-Cooldown for the fields
If you use in a normal workflow discord as of scrolling through discord with some embeds and during the scrolling the copy feature of the embeds triggers.
The thing here is it floods my clipboard with useless copies of the embed body/content.
I would like to see a cooldown of the ability for copying embed content or at least a lower reaction rate where it triggers to have a more-smoother use of Discord without copying half of the embeds during the scrolling.
I saw that the embed is copied for links' embed but an embed without link is not copied when scrolling, only when we are not scrolling on it
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It already gives a "message copied" text at the bottom of the screen on Android.
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It doesn't give a "message copied" for embeds. I suggest an option to turn it off or have a longer hold duration
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Scrolling through embeds is a nightmare since you'll copy every single embed.
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yes could be useful
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I came here to post this exact thing. I'm tired of scrolling through Discord and having my clipboard overwritten by accident any time there's an embed.
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It's a bug. Why should we "attempt to fix it on our end" when it's something that can be fixed Discord-end. We aren't obliged to download a new keyboard for that either.
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No, it's not a bug
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Then it's a useless and annoying feature since it copies every single embed to your clipboard + it only works with embeds with links in them which makes me think it's more of a bug.
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It is bug because it is super annoying to be scrolling and tons of links get copied. It's an input issue. When the user wants to scroll, the page should scroll. When the user wants to copy, discord should copy. Also I tried setting a longer Press and Hold duration in my phone settings, and I still have the same problem. This leads me to think that discord itself is setting too short of a Press and Hold duration.
I would love an option to disable this "Quick Copy" altogether. If you press and hold on the link (on Android) there's a little pop up for that link that lets you copy the link, open in browser, or share. That is fine enough for me, if I want to copy a link, I will long press and use that pop-up. That way I only copy when I want to copy.
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This "feature" is really clunky and should be considered a bug. If I want to copy text I will long press on it, but currently you don't need to hold the press at all. Any sort of scrolling motion over an embed will copy it. It's very annoying and unnecessary when there is already a menu option for copying.
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Yeah, I have this same issue too. Discord, please remove this feature and make the embed text copied from a pop-up menu item instead!
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@Kanomore How do you use this "feature" when you develop bots ? You scroll fast in link embeds to get the embed text ? I don't understand.
However, if this "feature" is useful for some people, just add an option in the settings to let people turn it off if they want. So, everyone is happy with that.2 -
Okey, I see !
If a long press on an embed copy the text in, everyone will be happy, right ?
- We will not copy an embed text when scrolling by just cliking on it
- Some people like those in your server will just have to long press the embed to copy the text. Nearly fast than nowEDIT : Btw, I can't reproduce the bug, is it fixed ?
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I've been having this issue on Android 10 (can't confirm for other versions). I'll be swiping to the side to change rooms/ servers or I'll be scrolling up or down, and it'll end up copying the contents of the embed I swiped over. It's very annoying, especially when I've just copied another link to paste somewhere (usually to send in a message in a Discord room). Now I have to go back to whatever app I copied it from and recopy it. Just increasing the amount of time it waits to copy and embed by one or two seconds would be a huge help.
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Shocked that some people are defending this as not a bug. This behavior is awful and undesirable. Make it a long press instead or get rid of it because you shouldn't be accidentally copying things constantly when just moving between rooms and scrolling.
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I'll be trying to paste a link to an article or tweet and instead accidentally paste copied embeds into different channels on my Android 3-5 times a day. I barely have to touch an embed when I switch into discord and go to scroll or change channels and I've accidentally copied something I didn't want to copy. There's no reason that action should be so easy to accidentally accomplish in normal use.
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It should just be a long press. There's no reason to leave the behavior as-is where you can accidentally trigger an unintended copy when scrolling normally. This is a legitimate feature with a flawed implementation.
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There is no reason scrolling through an embed should copy the link. I have a few channels which are essentially news aggregators and all posts in it are embeds, which means that scrolling through the chat log without copying a url is physically impossible. This shouldn't happen, please fix this issue so that regular scrolling doesn't randomly copy links to the clipboard.
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it's especially annoying when you're using a bot that send a big chunk of embed message, scrolling through you often copy all of them which is a pain to just handle. it could be easily fix by having a toggle that enable/disable this, and add a delay on how long to hold before it actually copy, instead of almost instant.
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How is this not fixed yet
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Embeds automatically copying to clipboard on long press is a feature I never use intentionally. A long press context menu, or disabling the behavior when the screen is scrolling, would do wonders to improve the mobile Discord experience.
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How has this not been dealt with yet? Its driving me crazy, I've tried looking into phone settings at one point thinking it was a me issue.
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I have a different question. Is it possible to make an embed where if you click on a certain text you copy something in it. For example We do [Click Here](link) to create hyperlinks in embeds. I want to know if we could do the same thing but just have text copied like [Copy to Clipboard]{Texttextextext} So if this is the case then when we click on "Copy to Clipboard" the text "Texttextextex" gets copied. I think this will be a very useful feature if applied.
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2 years later and still not fixed? Still a very annoying bug ever.
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Yes really annoying
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sick and tired of navigating discord on mobile and it copies random embedded text, i would be so happy to see an option to disable copying embedded text on mobile or giving you a popup and lets you select copy instead
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This happens to me constantly, so I'd like to see it addressed in some way. It finally frustrated me today to the point that I wanted to search for the issue to make sure it wasn't just me, and found this ticket.
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I also hate the auto copying of embeds. I have never done it on purpose and it is a time waster losing the latest clipboard to some random embed.
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i have never, not once, wanted to copy the embedded text of a tweet rather than the url of the tweet. please let me turn this functionality off
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