Increase the limit of user created notes, or remove the restraint.
Currently Discord only allows you to add 500 notes to a user's profile. This is an understandable limit, but it serves to be problematic for users who are responsible for overseeing large communities.
Note taking is a critical aspect of my interactions on Discord, as it allows me to keep track of my userbase and not only remember who someone is, but potentially important pieces of information related to them. For example, their gender, timezone, or critical information like whether or not they are a minor. Needless to say, I've hit this 500 limit and can no longer make new notes- making keeping track of / remembering new users difficult.
I'd like to suggest one of several things:
A: Increase the capacity of notes we're allowed to add above 500.
B: Remove the limit altogether.
C: Add the ability to manage your notes. I was advised by Discord support to start removing notes, but this is difficult when a lot of users I've added notes to are no longer on the server. Meaning I'd need to remove notes from people I still interact with to make new ones- which is kind of counterproductive.
Like many of you, I use notes to help moderate my server.
Recently I realized that my notes were not saving anymore, looking up the problem I see what is the deal now.
We really need notes to be unlimited or make another type of system where we can keep track of people in order to moderate servers.
Not being able to add new notes, even after deleting old ones is horrible and only makes the life of people trying to create good communities more difficult.14 -
0 -
i barely even meet people on discord, i know for a fact i haven’t reached this 500 note limit, yet i can’t put notes on people on computer (online or not), but i can on my phone THOUGH i can only put notes on those who are online; people who are offline, their notes will not save. this is really irritating.
10 -
This, the friend activity- and friendslist limit are tedious af, pls undo, kthxbai 🤟
8 -
The limit is ridiculous. There is probably reasons why this limit exists tho. It certainly is not an issue of filesize. Compared to entire servers which are mere megabytes, notes are tiny lumps of ones and zeros. The existing issues that caused the limit should be resolved and the limit raised. Maybe a note management option added. Really hoping to see the limit being removed.
14 -
This needs to be implemented. At the very least, create an interface where we can manage our notes and allow mass deletion. Notes are very helpful but also very useless if you can't delete notes from users you don't remember adding to or have no way of finding.
11 -
I just noticed this posted 19 days ago on Reddit:
Apparently the 500 limit claim is actually 200.
I posted with a bit more writing, however, again my post is pending approval, and I already experienced now previous pending posts that were permanently deleted.
Also 8 days ago: -
The limit hit me suddenly and even when i completely removed old notes from other profiles, I still couldn't make new notes on new profiles. I thought this was a glitch. Please remove the limit altogether or set some way to manage notes.
11 -
I faced that same issue and got the same response from support. If they can't increase the limit, at least give us a way to manage our notes.
11 -
Discord staff: The user base has spoken. Please remove the limit. And double the notes field size. Seriously, this is an utterly unnecessary limitation on an otherwise amazing service, and it's been a thorn in our sides ever since the limit was imposed.
Notes are an indispensable feature of social networking in an environment with thousands of users coming and going and where anyone can change their nickname or username at any time.
I don't want to have to implement what seems like the only feasible workaround - to have to create a new adjutant account just to store additional notes on new members of my servers. :-(
13 -
The limit is ridiculous. Really hoping to see the limit being removed.
16 -
I couldn't aggree with you more guys, i run my own server of 1000+ ppl and I reached the cap as well. I hope devs will add a solution in the near future!
13 -
Please fix, or at least make all notes over 500 be local
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After reporting this issue to Discord via email, I also discovered even after I removed some old users' notes, I still couldn't add any new notes to other users. There seems to be a bug after the user note limit is reached.
Before managing the limit, I suggest the bug I mentioned above to be fixed asap. I'd rather have the limit removed than to increase the limit. I'd also like to have notes being added to servers.
Edit: There's also a server limit proposal that is similar to this proposal. If you're also seeking to increase or remove the limit of servers please go there and upvote it.
14 -
Please make it unlimited and not restricted to 500. Anyone who uses discord on a public community will eventually run into this issue. Public discord communities are cyclical as new people are constantly coming in while old people leave. This is why the amount of notes we make increases over time, because we will never stop meeting new people.
The original idea behind the limit is that it's something normal people won't ever face since they're likely to just be in a set amount of communities with specific member sizes, but with the constant refreshing of new faces in every discord community, normal discord users reach the 500 note limit.
It goes without saying that it makes notes completely unusable for any server administrators. With username changes, administrators will have to keep USER IDs in a separate document, and look them up whenever they see someone they don't recognize.12 -
I encountered yet another extremely manipulative, virtue signalling, logical fallacy person who somehow convinces others to begin mob mentality attacking others, rather than criticizing/attacking the message/art/etc., and in incredibly toxic fashion, but in such a way that is relatively plausibly deniable (publicly, in the perception of the community, with other actors who may claim victim mentality or guilt trip if treated in particular ways), and still innocent-until-proven-guilty on their agendas/motives/intentions.
i don't want to discriminate against the person, especially since the situation is also cross-platform, beyond just Discord, and I'd rather pursue due process to keep track of remembering their manipulations with little notes (which I am saving in local text files to keep track of, hopefully this does not violate the Discord Terms of Service/Guidelines, though I suspect if it doesn't yet, it will probably in the future).
Generally persons don't self-incriminate themselves, but also, I'd rather wait until the person(s) involved (especially when mob mentality happens, or collusion, collaborating in private/secret, etc. make it more obvious that they are discriminatory, hostile, volatile, or otherwise cancerous, toxic, bullying, abusive, manipulative, malicious, etc. before pursuing any administrative/moderating things, more than taking notes/evidence.
3 -
+, Прошу убрать ограничение или увеличить его. Я не слежу за сервером, а обычный пользователь, но это ограничение так де быстро кончилось. Очень жду пока увеличат!
7 -
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Still waiting for a fix, this is so painful
6 -
Come on Discord people! You can do it!
6 -
The user notes are way to useful to be limited like this.
6 -
Would be nice if someone involved in decision-making at the company would weight in here. :-/ This should have been fixed months ago. (It should never have been broken in the first place, tbh.)
6 -
We need action, and we need it now!
Please upvote the post to gain more attention!
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Please upvote!
5 -
Please Discord. Remove the limit. I can't even remove the non-useful ones anymore because I don't have contact with certain users anymore.
5 -
3 -
I've got a great idea, hear me out.
Let's provide this infinitely useful Notes feature in lieu of moderation tools, like searching the audit log or crazy modding jazz. Provide no documentation (if it exists, I haven't found it) regarding an unwritten limit of notes, no warning when the user is approaching the limit, and no way to remove them automatically. We'll make the users scour the depths of Discord looking for users they've noted and make them remove them manually...and if they can't, beit banned or user left, too bad, you don't get to use notes.
I probably sound pretty damn salty because I've spent the last month trying to figure out why my notes are broken (yes I have tried removing them. I'm beyond the limit, how I don't know, and I don't know how many notes I have to remove until it's back to a literally usable state) but noone else's, only to find out that it works as intended - it's just implemented as a horrible timebomb with no viable fix.
How did noone see a glaring issue with limiting the number of notes we're allotted, not informing users there's actually a limit or that they're approaching it, and providing no way to remove them beyond an unacceptable level of manual labour?
Come on guys....just, come on.5 -
B, if not then C
4 -
well said, upvoted!
3 -
I can't even remove notes from previous users because I'm no longer in servers where I put notes on people's profiles. If they added a function where you could manage notes, like your suggestion, it would make it a lot easier (if it's the limit that's the problem, rather than the feature just not working). It's so frustrating not being able to add notes to people I talk to regularly in new servers because of this.
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