Multi-Game Activity
Discord should have the option to display the game and music that the user is listening to simultaneously. Currently, The discord briefing and profile display one activity at a time.
Profile Example:
This is a visual representation on how the profile would display multi application activity.
Note that this is a rough image of the idea, It could be made smaller.
Brief Profile Example:
When listening to Spotify while playing a game, Spotify will be shown as a music note or a small icon of the Spotify logo.
the second picture looks nice and i sounds like a good idea
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I like this idea
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Yeah, it's a great idea.
I was also thinking of a variation. Like to have two little arrows to change the activity you want to see and not take up much space.
Sorry, I used paint lol
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its a thing now : o
i never seen this 'Activity' until today so i thought i would search something related to this haha. then i saw this post
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I know! I'm so incredibly happy! I just wish we got some credit for contribution of ideas. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wanted this, But the similarity is too similar to the images I posted 7 months ago. A bit uncanny! :]
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This is awesome!
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It seems like it's been removed, i wish they brought it back. Is anyone else having this issue?
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