Fullscreen mode
Please add Fullscreen mode,not talking about maximize button...
Press F11 to cover full screen of discord.
Thank You
i so bad want this feature on discord. it would be amazing
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I would like to see fullscreen mode which will open only text chat on the full screen; Like old IRC style.
Thanks a lot.
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Adicionem a merda do modo de tela cheia no (f11) do discord.. já teve varias atualizações e vocês não escutam a comunidade e nem colocam esse modo.. por favor coloquem..
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Try Ctrl + Shift + F
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omg i feel stupid af thank you so much
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You're welcome シ
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As アセヅロン said you can set full-screen holding Ctrl, Shift and F (in my case f11 doesn't work) but would be nice to set it automatically on settings. Now after so many years this is still missing.
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