Blocked users in voice chat


5 opmerkingen

  • Costpap
    In my opinion, they should be entirely hidden from your screen, and the same should be applied for the user who is being blocked. They should not be able to see that you’re in that Voice Chat or hear you.
  • Title

    My sugestion is actualy that they can't se if you are in voce chat untill they join and you can chose to mute them untill you unmute them. It's just a one time thing, not that dificult and there are difrent resons to block users in text than just harasment and you might actualy wanna have the option to unblock one message so you need to se that you have blooked a user.

  • jimmymenNL

    Yes i still want this be added too, why can u block someone when it does not mute them and they still hear you then? and muting someone does not have any effect if they still can hear you when you are blocking them, so both features need a little upgrade in my opinion


    I agree completely with this blocking someone does nothing right now if they can still bother you with their voice

  • TeaTheSmol

    Honestly I understand where most of you are coming from, but I understand why it doesn't automatically mute them for you. If say, you share a server with the blocked individual and multiple others, while you're in VC if other people don't have them blocked, you might end up talking over the blocked individual and ruining the experience for everyone there. 



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