I want to verify my account with phone number but I don't receive the message
I also didn't recieve the code. Do let me know as well if you find out any helpful answer.
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I also didn't recieve the code. Do let me know as well if you find out any helpful answer.
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I need to verify my account but I don't have a phone number to enter. How do I verify??
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I need to verify!! I'm not getting the message for the 6diget code! FIX IT PLZ!!
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I think I need to verify it by phone number too, but where do I even write the number? This is so sad, discord is my whole life- ;(
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I am not receiving the 6 digit code.. Please fix it as soon as you can.....It will be best for all of us....
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Im having the same problem right now how do you fix it?
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Yeah I am also having that problem
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Me too!!!
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What is the point of this if nobody gives you any information???
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any updates? did you mananged to solve the problem? i have the same problem
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i can't verify my account because, my primary account has disable and i can't delete this account or to take off my phone number. if you can delete my account pls.
email: leo.desmoulins@gmail.com
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Discord do you send the 6 digit code through the email? i did not receive the 6 Digit code pls help me!
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I also didn't get my 6 digit code. Discord, why?
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Same here I’ve been waiting and yet I still haven’t got one
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I have been receiving codes for mine but they are different each time. And they don't work
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Same problem
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I have the same problem, I've tried different phone number but I cannot get the SMS contained the verification code..
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Hello im not receiving the code either.. apparently doesnt work in some countries even though it lists ALL the countries.
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Pls fix this
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I need help
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please fix this, I submit a ticket about this problem as well.
but seem like no one can help
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Same here
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Im trying to join a community but it needs my phone verification code and I can't receive it
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Hello, everyone. i've had the same issue and i suggest y'all to be patient. my code finally came 15 minutes after i submitted my phone number.
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same here
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I've been waiting for a few hours and when i receive it. it doesnt wor, please help, i need my account right now, and havent been able to use it today.
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Same here
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It's not working wtf discord no code
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