Black screen during voice calls


71 opmerkingen

  • StLouis

    after checking debugs it seems that the source of this is a line in my debug : "unknown opcode 13"

  • Teochard

    Issue happening for me as well. Will join voice chat and screen will randomly go black, sometimes for five, ten seconds at a time. Can we get a fix for this?


    Edit: it's also forcing black screen on other apps. Voice chat nearly unusable in this state.

  • ! Ti1๏ libro 🤴๛ ❥

    no bot da strasxas

  • bee

    same thing happening to me as well, on iphone and i use the app. the screen flickers and makes it hard to work, the flickers happen outside of the app when i still have discord open

  • bolognaisie

    same here. i'm on mobile and every second the screen will black out – or more specifically, turn my screen off. i have to click my phone's power button to turn it back on, and this goes on rapidly so it's super frustrating when i'm playing a game. i found out that i don't have the problem IF i'm the one who started the call. though that's the only solution i have to avoid it, not fix :/

  • GrassPots

    I have found a fix, make sure you aren’t using your phone upside down. On the top of your phone there is a sensor that is what is making your phone screen turn black.

  • bolognaisie

    the thing is, (in my case, at least) the sensor isn't what's triggering it. i honestly don't know what– sometimes it seems like whenever i talk or when my device's media makes a sound, sometimes it's random.

  • kitkat

    i’m having the same problem. haven’t found a fix yet

  • TonyTheGeek

    I found this happens if you disable auto sensitivity.  You can't even get out of the setup screen because the display keeps switching off.

    Never seen it in any other app.. discord is doing something really screwy with the OS.


  • PerspicuousEnigma

    Omg THANK YOU @TonyTheGeek this was driving me bonkers! Turning off auto-sensitivity worked like a charm! 🥰

  • wizardoo

    ive always had this issue when im in my free happymeal voice chat and others my screen goes black > touch does not affect > legit black then i have to injoin call then i switch to my computer so i can call wich is weird

  • Orkaan2

    I always have auto-sensitivity off and haven't changed any settings in the past 6 months, but have started having this issue a week ago. Has discord itself released anything on this? This is quite annoying, as voice chats are my go-to for having music play in the background (using a bot)

  • Aymane Hellam

    Me too I turned auto sensitive off and it still happening , it's really disturbing , discord must find a solution for this issue .

  • korality

    Am having the same issue and it's frustrating especially while playing games. Any fix to this please.

  • korality

    Am having the same issue and it's frustrating especially while playing games. Any fix to this please.

  • korality

    Am having the same issue and it's frustrating especially while playing games. Any fix to this please.

  • Versus

    Using earphones prevents the bug, but it's still annoying. We need a fix

  • D̸͗͘r̷̛̐.̵̛̈

    Im have redmi note 8T And whn im gonna join server voice call Its still forcing to blink Black screen

  • mobile ad

    when I’m in a call my screen goes black and so I have to press the home button to see my screen again. This even happens outside of discord, it’s annoying and I get mad because it won’t stop. Once I do press the home button, it either will happen again in a row or stop for 5 seconds. I hope the new update will fix it.

  • DJ Archer

    Same thing keeps happening in tried changing every setting possible yet nothing works. I hope discord fixes this soon!

  • truenoong

    I'm having this issue. It doesn't happen when I plug my headphones, but the moment I plug it out this happens again.

  • Zinczy

    Pls fix this. Im a professional mobile gamer in a clan where we do scrims and we need to use voice chat to communicate (which is mandatory) but i can not be in the voice chat since my screen would just turn black for 5 seconds every 10 seconds which makes me unable to play and get killed nearly all the time!! U better fix this ASAP

  • Jeon-nim

    This does happen not only in Discord but also on other apps that use online communication. It happens if you use your device in landscape during calls. I think this is a system software bug.

  • Arcavias

    This has been happening to me all of sudden with no change in settings. I figured it out after some troubleshooting. It is the sensor on your phone that blacks out your screen while on a phone call. Once you join a discord voice channel, you need to switch the audio speaker from 'Phone' to 'Speaker.' This will stop your display from turning off and on when your hand, fingers or face get near the phone sensor. You could also look in phone settings to disable this function of blacking screen out while on a phone call.

  • booman

    Actually no @SeguePyrex im still getting black screen twitching even using on portrait mode idfk why but im using android asus phone max plus m1, I hope discord fix this quick it is frustrating dealing with this during on call

  • Ives

    I am also getting this problem. I noticed that turning off auto-sensitivity was a fix someone gave, however, that did not fix the issue for me. What worked as a temporary fix was (and this is true) shaking my phone rapidly. I don’t know why this is. (I am using an iPhone 11.)

  • Zephiel

    Well.. keep getting black screen everytime I wanna talk with my friends while playing games. Im using Black Shark 2 and you expect me to get killed or like.. keep stuck in black screen all time? Ya better fix it

  • Knob

    Realize if I cover a sensor near the front facing camera on my phone or if there's not enough light it'll go black just like everyone else's is. Plugging in headphones seems to work for me but that's the only kind of temporary fix I can think of. I don't know who's side this problem came from but hopefully it will get looked at and fixed soon.

  • TKEE

    I found a fix for mine, the thing I did was to change the audio output from phone to speaker then after that my black screen bug is gone

  • HarumiMiharu

    try turning off your phone's automatic screen brightness, I turned it off and it stopped happening


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