Mutual Servers with Bots
VoltooidAllow users to see mutual servers that they have with bots. Many users are constantly spammed with DMs from bots but are unsure which server the DM is coming from. Being able to see the mutual server that the bot is dming you from would be helpful.
Officiële opmerking
Timo's right! We've added this functionality to all versions of the client as of now, please enjoy it!
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Ok thanks for the info!
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100% agreed I get spammed by nude bots daily and I never want to see those images.
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This could put an end to this for me.
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Can’t agree more, I keep on getting spammed with bot DMs advertising servers, this needs to be addressed
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100% agree its annoying not knowing which server has this spam bot dming you especially if you're a pm or do j4j.
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Yup, these nude bots and "free nitro" are very annoying. I want to know where they are coming from :/
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Yes sir!
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Yes please!
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I have always wanted to see this as a feature, thanks for throwing this out there!
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I couldn't agree more! With these Free nitro and Nude bots, I don't know where they are coming from and I can't report the server. These would be a huge help to stop servers violating TOS.
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no, this is a big security risk, it allows bots to see them too. if are getting spammed with nudes just block the bot lul.
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how is it a security risk? care to elaborate...
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@ochako Makes no sense. And "just block the bot lul" doesn't work because there are a ton of other bots like that :/
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bots spam my dms with nsfw and fake nitro ads... I would really want to find out what server keeps doing that >:(
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Yeah definitely voting for this 110%. It is so annoying with all the bots sending and spamming nudes, invites to toxic servers and countless scams. I try blocking them but another one from the same server does the same over and over again. By letting you see a bot's mutual servers, this would solve one of the most annoying issues on Discord. Discord is a superior app compared to other social media apps for people like me but the problem is Discord doesn't usually bother solving major problems like this. If this doesn't get implemented in the future, I am sure a lot of people are gonna get really mad and start leaving Discord.
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This function was added to Canary today 🥳
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not for canary for all versions.
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It got accepted! gg
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