I can not connect!!!
My Discord been like this all day...
Same... the worst part is that all my friends can connect.
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make that four... happens to you that it's at reaaally specific times? my discord is alive from 10 to 14h, after that back to the connecting screen it goes.....
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need some better internet m8
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I can't get in any time. My internet is good, so it can't be.
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same, all the other websites and apps work and i've been with the same internet connection for more than a year, with this happening only now... today i was unlucky and couldn't connect during that time frame either 😔
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me too
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back here to say that, https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034366151-Changing-Your-DNS-Provider changing my DNS DID help in my case. Only in my phone, no wonder tho bc i didn't mess with the DNS of the computer yet. Might if it doesn't come back to normal, though.
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I finally got in, just needed to update Windows, atleast for me it worked fine :P
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I managed to enter through the browser private.
- Now I'm already able to connect through the app win10 and android. :)
Almost 3 days later, thanks for nothing support discord.
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Same here. it's been 5h with this now.
Problem solved, I changed my dns to google public dns.
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