Account switching
This would be nice. A way to circumvent this, monotonous as it may sound, is to log in to Discord in an incognito tab on chrome or something (whatever browser you use), Or just use a different browser to log in to your account. I have at least 3 different discord accounts that I use for different things, mainly because I don't like giving my main, personal discord out to just random people sometimes, or join servers I don't know if I'll like or want to stay in (and thus, again, people having my personal discord info). I tend to have main discord app running, and an incognito window on google chrome. Every once in a great while, I'll use Firefox to log in on yet another account.
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Hello !
You imagine something same this concept Design I made ?
I made this very fast and I love the Idea !!!
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Yes, something like that !
PS : je vois que t'es français aussi Big_herooooo....
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That would be amazing. You'd have to link them in some way, and if 2fa was enabled on one of them, you'd still have to do that to enter that account.
It could be like you send an account link request to your other account, and then you accept it on the other account. This can go on for however long.
Another option is to have something similar to a friend group, but with account linking
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I was just about to make similar topic and I ran into this. Discord devs can easily make this and make our lives easier :D
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I started a reddit thread on this. Please comment there too, as the public exposure of having this as the top topic on their subreddit might actually elicit a response. Public rather than private asking after so long might encourage them to do something. It's a lot harder to bury something at the top of your subreddit than your internal feedback system.
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