
6 opmerkingen

  • biestibelzer

    I'm setting up a server for a student dorm, big number of potential users, and one for my martial arts group. Both would benefit greatly from a (raid) calendar feature!

  • lsass.exe

    This would be a great edition and so useful. I personally would use this rather than my Windows calendar or Google calendar. 

  • Morsimo Khan

    Yes please!!! I have to use a Guilded server in addition to Discord for my team right now, simply because Discord doesn't have an event calendar with RSVP features.

  • Rico

    Yeah, that'd be great, you could even integrate platforms like steam and origin and have it display sales, subscription payments, or events from steam groups/communities. Really blown away that it isn't already a thing.

  • Roastedbloop

    I think it is a great idea. Considering that discord was aimed at gamers first. By having this, it helps for guilds or clans that want to organize in game events.

  • irebel1544

    yes plz!! need a integrated calendar for my MeetUp group!


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