Suggestion for Discord Video: Add an option to hide/focus on certain members in Server Video
So a server of mine is having a lot of fun using Server Video over the past week or two. We've noticed that the new feature has a few things that could be improved. One of the features is the topic of this post.
There is an option to focus on only one member, but what if we wanted to focus on multiple members at a time or hide certain people from our view? Some people in the call (typically the ones not using the video chat) don't need to be focused on, so I feel like there should be an option to hide some members from Server Video's voice view. It would make the ones that are streaming their camera or screen larger, and would allow others to see certain people or hide certain viewers from your view without making the videos or screens too cluttered.
People have been asking for this ever since video DM chats started a year ago. Maybe with the expansion to server video chats they'll start putting more into this.
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