Group Audio Adjustment Based on Active Game
Hi, I hope this hasn't already been requested.
My friends and I have 3 major channels in our server, but we typically all like to stick in one channel together. Usually this means, with our group of up to sometimes 16 people in the same chat, that often end up playing different games. For situations where multiple competitive team-based games are being played, we will utilize the other channels, however, a lot of the time the situation may be more nuanced than that, with let's say five people playing League of Legends, two people playing a strategy game together, and a handful of people there just to hang out or play single player games.
Most of the time what ends up happening is that individuals will end up turning down other people in the chat, similar to how if we were all in a room together, you would most likely only focus on what's being said by the people you yourself are speaking to. However, the issue comes when those people all want to play something together, or want to now hear everyone at their normal volumes. As I'm sure you know, the 100% volume on the slider is not strictly adequate for every situation, so many times, it take some time to properly adjust the audio of others so that the listening volume is comfortable. I spend entirely too much time messing with audio levels inside of Discord and in my windows volume mixer to achieve a good balance.
The solution to this problem, in my eyes, is to create an option that would allow you to add a volume multiplier to specific games, such that if Discord detects a user is playing a game, that multiplier will be applied to that user's volume. This of course would need to be easy to alter, as if you are playing that game with your friends you want to be able to hear them at their full volume, but if you are playing another game or don't want to listen to the people playing Overwatch, but still hang out with the other people in chat, you can easily turn them all down without much impact on your listening, and after they have left the game you can continue normal conversation with them in a seamless way.
Hopefully this idea makes sense! Thank you!
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