"Claim your nitro" bot scam
So, i got this DM from a bot called "Claim your nitro" bot which told me that i could get free nitro by clicking a "link" to accept and add the bot. This bot is obviously a scam which needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. This bot is not a ip logger its basically a server nuker.
Another one to the list
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Now It's Discord Winner#1654
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Now I got a message today from such a Bot too. It's name is "© Claim your Nitro
#7127". ID: 7269292108196086790 -
Mines this:
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This situation could be resolved pretty quickly by implementing a URL blacklist, this could be referenced through Discord servers & reject messages (or at least filter those links) based on domain name. Of course the scam artist would just make more domains (they already have 2 that I know of) or start pushing them through a redirect service, but this is going to slow down their progress in stealing Discord servers & eventually it should get on the radars of the hosts that he's using.
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I clicked it and well oh god.... I'm changing my password right now.
This time it's Claim your Nitro#2329
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I got a dm from a bot like this. The "Free Nitro" like is actually an invite to a server called "2 Invite = NITRO!!!" or something like that. You do not get free nitro.
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Yep. Nitro Gift#4487
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Hola acepte el enlace y metí el bot en un Server después de menos de 5 minutos lo quite y lo bloqueé.saben si puede pasar algo con mi cuenta? Saben que puedo hacer para que no me quiten la cuenta?
Por favor respondanme0 -
you should be fine. I'd change my discord password up to you, but as long as you removed it from your server I don't see what else it could have done. Check your server settings to see if everything is the same, but tell your users not to click on any messages from similar bots or add it to any of their servers.0 -
So I got this yesterday and me being me I clicked on it and applied it to one of my servers. I changed my password and kicked it out and deleted the conversation but I totally forgot to block it. Is it okay if I didn’t block it?
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I got the same thing. i made a discord to test what happens when you invite it and i dont recommend it.
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I just got the same message.
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Heuu jai reçu un message Fake scam Bot
Il ma dit appuie sur le Lien pour Nitro Il est rentré sur Mon serveur Puis on la Ban0 -
I think they deleted it, i haven't got this before
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yeah i got the same BUT I GOT 4 MESSAGE'S and it was all the same thing but one of the scam just like "join this server now and u will free nitro" and then 2 of them said "it will expire in 5 minutes"
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i got the same thing except it wasnt called that it was called a different thing like nitro bot so it texted me then it sent me a nitro i clicked it it wanted me to add the bot and it did nothing when i added it people were saying it was a scam so i kicked it but then after that its name changes to nitro scam bot
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I've got that scam too but when I was so desperate to click on the 'Join' button I clicked it
and it immediately kicked me out. I've also blocked the bot too.
The bot's ID is:
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Now I have an another scam bot (®FREE NITRO#3267) that DMed me...
I think these scams are spamming... Help ;-;
Also I've blocked the bot too.
Bot ID:
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Got the same message and a server invite from the bot the name is ©Claim Your Nitro#5762
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Yup it's scam. It gets even more ridiculously obvious when you ain't even in a nitro giveaway server lmao.
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It still happens this year.
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Same bot from above...
PlatinumGiveaways#9297 - 7753983250409717760 -
lol I also got one today from platinum giveaways. same user id 9297 probably both ip grabber and server nuker since it wants me to click a bunch of links and also add it to my server.
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free robux omigodomigod
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I got a DM today, they changed the name to "You won nitro":
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Just got it today as well. looks like this:
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I I did get one of these scam bots that block you after. And never fell for the scammers intent.
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The one which I have encountered is -
Claim Your Prize !#11490 -
I got this today seems to still be happening
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