I keep Disconnecting from calls and reconnect


48 opmerkingen

  • Eddy

    pls fix it


  • GabAGram

    I've been having a similar problem but it's mainly in video calls and it's after about half an hour of being in one of those calls where discord kicks me and basically restarts itself. I also have a problem with screen sharing just not working whatsoever and sometimes just "freezing"(?) the discord application. 


  • todoketeVEVO

    happens to me too, cant figure out a connection please look into it.

  • ArbeeLoboto

    Started for me a week ago, constant disconnects from discord despite anything being open

    Edit: after uninstalling and reinstalling I am staying connected for much longer periods of time while using push to talk, mostly I disconnect at random while I am streaming or watching a friends stream now

    Edit 9/19: I have had some better luck staying connected (although not completely fixed) when I disabled Hardware Acceleration (under Appearance at the bottom) and turned on push to talk. I still disconnect while streaming or watching a friend stream in a server, but it is fewer and farther between

    Edit 10/7: I disabled OpenH264 Video Codec and turned off Microsoft game mode, some days I stay connected and am able to stream as long as I want, others I disconnect every few minutes

  • jind0sh

    Same for me, just started a few days ago after updating.

  • moghu

    Me too, i also test on other server but still disconnect then reconnecting again. My friends also have that problem, so i dont know whether is a server problem, or discord problem.


  • chapman

    Well, the same for me. I don't really know it is a discord problem or my internet. Because a friend of mine with the same wifi has the same problem too. It's not just that, my channel and servers list sometimes doesn't load at all.


  • xFrosty

    OMG! This is getting seriously annoying! I've tried every single way to fix that, and even bought another LAN cable for my PC, and it won't work!


    Please help!

  • Rogue

    Just to re-iterate the information above. I haven't had this problem until a few days ago. It was potentially caused by the Discord update but I'm not certain if it was the exact same timing.

    Over these last few days I've randomly been disconnected from calls and then after a few seconds reconnected. This has occurred both in group voice chats and in server voice chats. My internet connection is uninterrupted in every other application I use at these times, so I am very doubtful that my internet is the issue here.

  • ImGone

    I have been having the same problem just recently too this same problem and also lag behind some of my friend's voices. I get 200down and 11 up and has never happened before. Hopefully can be patched by the next update.

  • McKlono

    BRUH! Same here. It only happens when I call someone or when they call me. Does not happen to me when on voice channels within servers.

  • randell1

    exact same problem, very frustrating that they released this update with an app breaking bug like this, please work on fixing this asap, the application is unusable at this point


  • Unknownx

    Has anyone found a fix to this my friend had the issue and it just started recently?


  • Ariel.Marey

    Same issue here, it just started today, and it is extremelly frustrating. All my other apps work without any problem, and the status page on discord says everything is fine

  • syaw

    last night this happens to my discord account, turns out that the problem is at my phone settings where I changed the date from manual settings to automatic date and time. then my discord is fixed. hope it helps

  • fe

    I have same problem too. I'm using discord since 2016 but i never experienced this problem. And I can't find any solution.

  • Pharaoh

    i have the Same problem.Thats hella annoying always keep disconnecting

  • ABetterName

    Same issue as of late. Did nearly every method discord mentioned, and it's still messing up the connection.

    Discord, fix your bloody app.

  • Bo0sted

    I've been experiencing the same thing. When I'm in a voice chat in a server, I get disconnected from the voice chat and the messages don't sync up for a few seconds, then everything reconnects again. I have 1GB internet too. Discord really needs to get their shit together.

  • Fnizzan

    I have the same problem. I dont have any other problems with my internet, its just Discord. I get disconnected from both voice calls and in voice channels. The only reason to fix it is to disconnect from Discord and then rejoin the call or channel.

    The strange thing is that the people im talking to can hear me but I cant hear them.

    And the "Voice connected" symbol is red.


    Edit: Still no improvement :( Get disconnected several times each day

    Edit2: Uninstalled discord (deleted all the files etc) but the problem remains

  • Jack?

    I´ve had the exact same issue as well. I´ve been streaming for a few minutes, then it disconnects and connects again. Then if i keep streaming it does it again until I stop streaming. It has also happened without me streaming but rarely.

  • ⍊ᒷꖎ

    This has been happening to me too, all the way since june.

  • octo

    I also have the same issue, it just happened to me today, im not sure whats wrong, and im not sure if it will get fixed, 

    It is really bugging with me, if any technical person can respond with help, please do. 

    Thanks and this has been happening for 4 months

    it keeps switching from this
    to this

  • QueeQuey

    One of my teammates has been having this issue as well. It wasn't an issue last season but since slightly before this season started it happens all the time, regardless of what server he's in.

  • RamenTuber

    Same it specifically happens before I connect to a call. It sits on "Connecting..." for a while, then switches to "Disconnected" and then constantly switches from "Connecting..." to "Disconnected" repeatedly for a minute to 5 minutes. When streaming it takes years to actually start, once it took 20 mins for my stream to actually start streaming things. When I'm trying to watch a stream, it takes up to 5 mins just to load the stream up. bruh why

  • RaphCT

    Sometimes for me,I can join the call I just cant hear people or gave people be able to hear me,sometimes both,i didnt have that problem in the past,and I primarily use mobile,but now it happens every time,plz fix this

  • Byron

    This issue happens to me too a lot of the time, it's really annoying and I hope discord releases a fix for it soon. It makes the app really hard to use especially when i'm playing games because it disconnects me and reconnects me and my internet is completely fine and my hardware isn't the issue it's discord's side of things. 

  • Bo0sted

    Also when this happens, Discord doesn't fetch any new messages for the time being so you'll be left completely in the dark for around 10-15 seconds. And if you've sent any messages during this period they'll still get sent, but when you reconnect, which is just really stupid.

  • aox

    I have been having this issue for around 2-3 months. I don't know I disconnect until I click on discord again, so it could be really frustrating when I am in a game too. My internet is also really good so I can't really speculate why this is happening. Sometimes I have a delay too; my friends can hear me 20 seconds after I say something.

  • Bo0sted

    yea I have gigabyte internet, the bad internet factor is factored out


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