Calls won't ring or make sounds for others.
Me and all my friends have found that over the last month or 2, that we cannot call one another. Which is messing up our games. Our rpg games like D&D, world of darkness games, etc. Have been severely impacted as the moment you try to call someone who is late, discord does nothing. Their icon vibrates but no sound is made. Someone called me several times. But not once did discord even ring or notify me like it would normally do. Please fix this. This is a severe problem for me and my gaming friends.
Also a friend noticed that it works only if you are actively in discord. If the app isn't on your screen, it won't call. But that makes the point of calling pointless...
Bump, this happens to me on Android 9.0. No call sound if the phone is locked.
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Same with me, that's exactly what I'm struggling with. I've missed so many of my friends calls due to this issue. I'm on Android 10.
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Same here too. On Android 9.
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Android s9 here. Can confirm, same issue, and I've had little progress in fixing it myself.
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I am having this problem as well. Sometimes even when my phone is on, and I'm doing something on it, the phone call doesn't ring through. It's becoming a problem.
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Same issue here, it's absolutely infuriating.
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Same issue here. My phone is on, notifications allowed and usually I don't even get the notification popup. Sometimes I get just the pop up. A few times I got the pop up and ringtone normally, usually right after I have minimized the app. It always works when the app is active on the screen. Sometimes the phone rings a few minutes after the call was made (even after the caller hung up).
I tested this on both android 10 (Galaxy A6+) and 9 (Galaxy J5 pro). Cleaning app data and cache doesn't seem to make a difference.
On a related matter, when the phone rings, it rings just once, as if I received a message, not a call. I tried changing the notification sound, but to no avail.4 -
I have a new S20 and this issue has recently started for me as well. Calls do not show up on my phone, though messages will. I've rechecked all my settings to no avail. Any suggestions/fixes would be greatly appreciated.
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@discord fix plez
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Still an issue to this day today
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I also seem to have this issue. If I do not have the app open / onscreen, then I do not get any notification of an incoming call. I'm running Android 9 with Discord notifications allowed, and I do get message notifications. The calls also do ring if I'm in the app when they come in. But if I am not in the app or my phone's screen is off, the calls do not ring.
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Discord Team, please fix this issue, it's causing serious problems between me and my friend as they think that I'm ignoring their calls.
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Still having this issue on my phone. Android v. 10, Discord v. 63.6
My friends get really frustrated when I do hear their calls. The whole point of calling someone is so they can answer. Just saying. =P
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This issue usually happens when you block your Friend. The Fix is pretty easy, just unfreind and friend them again.
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I do not think the problem is caused by blocking. I have never blocked anyone and the problem happens to me.
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Blocking has nothing to do with this. I have also never blocked anyone.
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I Can gurantee it’s not the blocking :) nevet have i blocked those people that calls me
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Still an issue. Happening to me on desktop (started about the same time as this thread). It works fine for some but not for others. They are my friends and I have never blocked them.
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This happens to me with Android 11. The app does not ring sound when I get call and my phone is locked. Besides there is another but relevant issue that even if the app makes sound of call, the sound is system's default one for single-shot notification like an e-mail. I checked the system setting about Discord's call notification, but it was appropriately set as "App provided sound". So something should be wrong with the app side.
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Same here! I'm never alerted when I'm late for something! We have to tell each other on skype, very annoying.
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It has been happening to me too lately. Seems to have been a problem for many people for a year now. Has discord opened a ticket on this? Seems like they are doing squat to fix or even address the issue. Might be time to find an alternative to this shit app.
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For me and my friend disablind their streamer mode seemed to fix the problem
0 - For those of you still having no outgoing or incoming ringtone. You may need to re-add your friends you are having the issues with. If this doesnt work go into your notifications>in settings and turn the tabs that say incoming and outgoing on and off. It seems to be bugged and no one is fixing it.
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I'll keep you updated. I've tried your solution now. Hopefully, I won't have people joining a call, nor call me in private, without me knowing it :) Btw. I have no idea if it's a good "idea" to revive this post, as it's 2 years ago it was last written in?
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