"Show non-video participants" disabled by default
With the addition of multi screenshare and GoLive to servers, depending on the amount of people on a single voice channel it becomes unfriendly for newly joined users on said voice call to immediately choose the Live they want to see because the screen keeps adding new users to the shared screen
Whenever this happens a user needs to manually right click on the screen and uncheck the "Show non-video participants".
It would be nice if this option is disabled by default, allowing the user to simply choose which stream they want to watch or watch multiple altogether without seeing the users profile pictures whenever they join and having the incovinience to uncheck the above mentioned option whenever they join a new voice call
I disagree that it should be by default but think it should be more obvious how to disable them assuming you want to
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If you're disagreeing on what the default setting should be, then it means there should be an option to choose which is the default behaviour.
(I also have no idea what value there is in dedicating an equal amount of screen real estate to static pictures of people's avatars as to the actual stream that you decided to watch. But that really is beside the point here that we should be able to choose.)14 -
I agree with Koddy and FinetalPies...the option should be available in the settings. People like p1cu should be able to choose to keep it on, but people like Koddy, FinetalPies, and myself should be able to set the default OFF if we want too. It's really annoying having to disable it manually every time i join a new channel.
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As someone who's had to walk a few people on servers through how to disable "Show non-video participants", and had numerous people complain that this wasn't the default behavior I'm definitely in favor of them being disabled by default. After reading the other people's comments here, I can see that it's not a *universal* opinion as I assumed it would be.
A proposed compromise: Instead of making a setting just to toggle the default behavior, Discord should just save your choice, *in addition* to making the toggle more clear (as far as I remember, the toggle is the only option in the "..." menu, so maybe just take it out of the menu and make it a little icon).7 -
I agree with either solution, but DwarfWoot's solution makes the most sense from a User Experience POV.
Please Discord add this! I am tired of always having to manually turn off show video participants every day for every channel I am in...
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I'm gonna echo: I'm sick and tired of having to manually turn that off every single time.
Hell, if you're not keen on removing it, at least make non-video participants smaller? The only reason to show their portrait is for voice activity, so there's no reason for each individual little voice bubble to be as big as an entire screenshare?
But... I think just making the nonvideo participants disabled by default would be way easier.3 -
Please add an option for this. I strongly dislike having to disable it every single time. I think non video participants should just be small circles at the bottom of the screen, like the Discord In Game Overlay.
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I would also like this option
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Definitely this should be in options to choose default action show / no show
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+1 For adding an option for this. If you frequent servers with one streamer and many viewers this a no-brainer.
At the very least, it would be nice if this setting persisted between sessions.
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Having the "Show non-video participants" setting should be persisted. This is such a basic quality of life feature that could be implemented in five minutes.
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Why is this not a thing yet?!
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+1 on implementing this. Please. I made an account just for this.
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+1 for this!
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Despite the fact that I disagree with the idea that it should be the default, I believe that it should be more evident how to deactivate them in the event that you wish to, Website
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