☑ Verified badge on Profile


6 opmerkingen

  • wzrdz

    This is only makes sense, if its on a server. The admins and the owner would give ppl verified badges

  • Himawari

    This would be an irrelevant feature to add. You could simply give the user a verified role. Plus it would be easier instead of adding another list to the server settings page or user role.

  • Rosewolve

    I think it's a good idea.

  • renosant.gg


    my suggestion is to not put verified badge for discord,because there are many other badges which proves that the account is a partnered server owner- if he has a server and is a big celebrity                                                               or if he finds many bugs in our app- if he is a bug hunter who report us this is very helpful for us to develop discord more and if he has nitro he will get badges and we have more badges like hypesquad,discord staff team,discord certified moderator which makes him likely certified.

    if any questions dm me - renosanteffort.gg#4235

  • iWill

    I think it's would be great to got an verified badge on profil only for those who did wrote their phone number.

    The verified badge on a server should be only for those who accept only members with their phone numbers indicated.

    If in any ways, those badge will be include with others variable's, i don't think it would still make sense..

  • ML

    I think it's a good idea.


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