Add local time and time zone to users
Core idea
Similar to how Skype displayed other users' local time, so you could have a sense if they were awake or not at that time, Discord should do something similar. It should display the local time primarily, and then the offset secondarily, with optional time zone code.
In a private conversation with a user, the time and time zone can be displayed right after the username. With a simple glance, you can see what their time is right now. This is just showing one design idea, but the designers at Discord could likely come up with something better.
In the user list on a server, the time can be included after the username:
As well as in the "about me" section on the profile page for each user:
After some user feedback, some users aren't as interested in having the time visible in all these locations. So a good idea is to let the user to to User Settings then Appearance, where they can check if they want to see other users' local time show up in the top of a private message, as well as in the user list of groups and/or servers.
To ensure a user's privacy, this feature must be fully opt-in, so no one's time zone will show up unless they have chosen to display it.
A user would go to User Settings then User Profile, where they can change avatar and banner. Have a dropdown menu where they can choose if their local time and time zone should be hidden (default), shown to friends only, friends and server members or publicly. Then a second dropdown will contain the exact time zone, where the default could be estimated based on IP address.
Time zones should not be a simple UTC offset selection, since that wouldn't take daylight savings into account. Instead, it should be taken from the TZ database, to ensure that daylight savings is properly used.
CLDR data
For a more clean look, using CLDR data when available can make it visually nicer. By default, a time zone can appear as "UTC+2" according to the locale chosen, such as "GMT+2" when set to English. The Helsinki, Finland time chosen above uses time zones EET and EEST, which has the abbreviations "EET" and "EEST" set to English, UK but no abbreviation chosen for English, US. This could allow the text to say "13:34 (EET)" in English, UK but "1:34 PM (UTC+2)" in English, US. This ensures that time zone abbreviations are only used if CLDR considers that locale to understand that abbreviation. If a time zone abbreviation is used, the user could hover over it and it would let the user know what it stands for, such as "Eastern European Standard Time (UTC+2)". But a good idea might be to add an option in User Settings and Appearance, that says "Use time zone abbreviations".
I love this idea, It will make confusion with time and communication with that so much easier.
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I didn't think of including it, but yes, if you use a locale using 12 hour time, such as English, US, the time display will be in 12 hour format.
This is why having English, AU added would be useful, since they use DMY and 12 hour time. Currently you can only pick between DMY 24 hour time or MDY 12 hour time.
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Yes this would be a good idea
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For best locale support, with time zone abbreviation support, they should also implement this:
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I think this should be added because I like knowing the time zone of my pals and what time it is for them because I ask them alot and would hate to message them in the morning and they wake up brilliant idea
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Slack has a convenient implementation of how to see what time it is for any given user...
When you view anyone's profile, be that the profile preview, the short profile, or the full profile, it shows you what their Local time in your preferred time format.
Full profile:
Full profile:
Short profile:
Short profile:
Profile preview:
Profile preview:
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If there's gonna be an option for user to turn his show time zone, that would be really good idea!
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@Beαк I forgot to include it in my original post, but added it as a comment. The format should of course adapt to the time format you use. That's how Discord works for all time formats, and they should keep doing it. I probably forgot to specify it because it was a given.
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