Ability to enable self real time clock
It's about the Timezones problem.
Slowly ending the age of asking everyone what time it is for them constantly and constantly.
Yes, each user can display their Timezone in their Bio now, but that doesn't solve the problem. Of course it doesn't! Laziness is still a worldwide barrier. We don't want to use a minute of our time to calculate or google search the timezone, nor search how timezones work in order to be sure we're calculating it right.
We want the real-time of a user, now! (If that user desires to display it).
Because of course: "privacy implications".
Each user should be allowed the profile option to display their true time either publicly, to friends, to each server, or not at all.
When enabled, a small text right above the bio will display the user's timezone (enabling them to free characters from their bio) and true time (the time they have on their local clocks).
This will also enable those who can see their true time, to hover over the time stamp of their messages and be displayed a detailed time bubble of displaying the true time they sent the message.
Personally, I wouldn't mind the setting to display all available true times next to the normal timestamp of each message. No need to hover to see.
It's serious, the unorganisation and time spent figuring and reminding oneself of each user's time compared to oneself, is not something to ignore.
"Ask for their time once, and go the extra mile to add it as a note in their profile if you care so much." Again, the answer is laziness. It's extra work, extra time, that not everyone wants to spend no matter how dire it is to know the timezone of others. By having the true time, hours and hours of accumulated time spent doing these small extra-mile tasks worldwide would be saved.
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