Discord Soundboard Feedback
Hey, yall listened to everybody and added a soundboard to some discord servers. Awesome!
You NEED to add the option to mute the soundboard client-side. My friends got access to it and started blaring extremely loud noises for everyone in call to hear, and there was no option to turn it off or mute it or even change the volume. It was really jarring and confusing. So far it seems the only options regarding the soundboard are to just add more sounds???
There needs to be permissions for who can and can't use the soundboard. Separate permissions for who can and can't add sounds. A volume slider. Channel settings to decide which channels have a soundboard and which ones don't. Etc.
I'm sure you're all already thinking about this, and that this is just a test run before a more complete version is rolled out. So here's my feedback: it's a good idea, but it's a terrible idea if users have no control over whether or not they have to hear it. You should have rolled it out with a little client-side mute button. But instead my autistic friends have start fighting with my adhd friends because falling_pipe.mp3 is being spammed in the general voice channel.
I second this. I have friends who have sensory issues and the soundboard can be very overstimulating. We REALLY need an option to disable hearing soundboard sounds and/or an option to disable their use per role permissions. That, bare minimum, has to happen quickly. There are people with disabilities and jarring sounds like this can actually cause meltdowns.
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discord soundboard makes me feel uncomfortable
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